Custom Query (324 matches)


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Results (25 - 27 of 324)

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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#21 fixed PDF file hangs Lucide on open Eugene Romanenko anonymous

I have just started trying the Lucide Beta version 1. Opened a few Jpg files no problem, however when I tried to open the file foresterx.pdf - a brochure on the subaru car, the program hung. I was however able to cancel the program via the task list. As I cannot attach this file here - you should be able to download similar files to it (that have the same problem) to test from the following web address: or

Good luck !


#23 fixed Save / restore all preferences Eugene Romanenko Rudi

The application should preserve settings like "Single page vs. Continous" or view sizes (especially "Actual size, Fit page, Fit width") over program restarts. Also the size should not be reset "Actual size", when opening a new file.

#24 fixed Window drawing problem Eugene Romanenko Rudi

The document window is not redrawn correctly when opening a new file. Probably not all parts are invalidated.

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