Custom Query (324 matches)


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Results (85 - 87 of 324)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#266 fixed Utilize external libraries for plugins (e.g., poppler) Matthias Waltenberger Lewis Rosenthal

We need to either replace the current plugin architecture or create a forwarder plugin which will allow us to more easily utilize updated libraries. First among these is poppler.

#264 fixed Missing mnemonics in print dialog Lewis Rosenthal

Print type area: Print to file - suggest "f"

Page orientation: Portrait / Landscape - suggest "o" and "L"

Margins area: Ignore printer margins - suggest "I"

Cancel - suggest "e"

#263 fixed Do not create thumbnail for encrypted PDF Gregg Young Lewis Rosenthal

We should not create thumbnails for password-protected (encrypted) documents, as this is a potential security risk (thumbnail could be viewed by anything, unencrypted).

Alternatively, encrypt the thumbnail data somehow, so that it may only be decrypted with the original password for the document itself.

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