Custom Query (324 matches)


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Results (67 - 69 of 324)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#66 fixed Feature to subsequently load supported files in same directory Eugene Romanenko christian.hennecke@…

PMView offers a feature that lets you load the next file of a supported file format that resides in the same directory as the currently loaded file. By pressing the plus and minus keys, you can subsequently step through all images in a directory. Very useful for, e.g., viewing digital photographs. Such a feature would greatly enhance Lucide's usability.

#69 fixed Continous mode with different page sizes Eugene Romanenko Rudi

When a document that starts with some pages in "portrait" format followed by some pages in "landscape" is opened in continuous mode, the "landscape" pages are not drawn completely.

#70 fixed Strange symbol shown for 'µ' (micro) and '°' (degree) in some PDF files Eugene Romanenko Rudi

Some documents show weird symbols for 'µ' (micro) and '°' (degree). Open attached file tea5768hl.pdf and look at the last column in table "QUICK REFERENCE DATA" (page 4).

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