Custom Query (324 matches)


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Results (43 - 45 of 324)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#69 fixed Continous mode with different page sizes Eugene Romanenko Rudi

When a document that starts with some pages in "portrait" format followed by some pages in "landscape" is opened in continuous mode, the "landscape" pages are not drawn completely.

#169 fixed Copy to clipboard in fullscreen not possible Batchheizer

Copy a selected text to clipboard (Ctrl+Ins / Ctrl+C) is not possible in fullscreen-mode (Ctrl+L).

Version 1.21

#362 fixed Crash when attempting to open nth file in a series Lewis Rosenthal

Opening one PDF, then an other, then the 6th or 7th file results in a program crash and TRP file (attached).

There is nothing remarkable about these PDFs, and starting the program fresh, the document which was attempted at the previous crash opens normally. These are smaller files containing no links (scanned documents, in most cases, with no OCR - just images of 2-3 pages).

I have not tested opening other types of documents in succession.

Files were opened via Ctrl-O (Shift-PgDn is not currently working in this beta - 12 - under test).

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.