Custom Query (324 matches)


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Results (40 - 42 of 324)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#213 fixed Lucide crashes when browsing through files Matthias Seidel

Sometimes Lucide crashes when I use the "file open"-window and browse through the list of files. I think it has something to do with the preview displayed on the right side and only happens when I browse very fast (with arrow keys).

#214 fixed Update for the Czech translation XHajT03

I'd like to provide updated version of the lucide_cs_cz.lng and a new translation of the readme file to Czech.

#215 feedback Improve picture scaling quality rudi

When a picture (like a screenshot) is embedded in a PDF, Lucide seems to apply a simple, pixel duplication-like upscaling algorithm, which results in ugly appearance and poor readability. Other PDF viewers use smooth scaling instead, which produces a much better visual result.

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