Custom Query (14 matches)


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Resolution: fixed (14 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#5 priority delta is valid 0-31 somebody defect major standalone
#3 enhance make files somebody enhancement major standalone
#4 change watcom makefiles to use wmake instead of nmake somebody enhancement major standalone
#6 accelerator keys for process kill? somebody enhancement minor standalone
#8 Warnings from use of NULL instead of NULLHANDLE somebody defect trivial standalone
#12 Reduce desktop doesn't appear to be implemented for the taskbar Gregg Young task minor standalone
#2 Need build instructions somebody enhancement major standalone
#9 Menu items not always selectable Gregg Young defect major standalone
#18 Fix layout of NLS dialogs Gregg Young task major standalone
#16 Create an OS/2 style help file Gregg Young task major standalone
#13 Create a warpin install package Gregg Young task major standalone
#19 Add build level strings Gregg Young task major standalone
#15 Add a toggle to reverse default on icons only properties page Gregg Young enhancement minor standalone
#1 Add OpenWatcom option somebody enhancement major standalone
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.