Custom Query (7 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#82 Font Change does not get saved after reboot new defect minor 2.9.2
#78 Add ability to drag running program icons to reorder them new enhancement minor
#65 Remove code from resource dlls (use stub available from xWorkplace) new task minor 2.9.1
#37 Add option for vertical display in widget new enhancement minor 2.9.1
#34 Create a “WarpSnap” functionality. new enhancement minor 2.9.1
#24 Add context menu item to each object on taskbar to move object to a different XPage virtual desktop new enhancement minor Not fixable in lSwitcher
#7 priority database accepted Gregg Young enhancement major 2.9.1
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.