Opened 12 years ago

Last modified 12 years ago

#223 new defect

Problem with File browser dialog icon in jEdit 1.5

Reported by: Gabriele Gamba Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone: GA6
Component: general Version: 1.6.0 Build 27 GA5
Severity: medium Keywords:


Latest versions of jEdit go crazy crazy with OS/2-eCS paths: please see attached PNG from Martin Iturbide. It seems a similar problem happens with jAlbum (,178.msg1379.html#msg1379 ).

Not having access to an OS/2 system, jEdit developers are unable to reproduce the bug and say that "until someone with OS/2 steps
up it won't get fixed" ( ).

But, if the bug is common to jEdit and jAlbum, maybe it is not a problem in jEdit but in our port of OpenJDK?

Thanks and bye

Attachments (1)

JEditError.png (42.5 KB ) - added by Gabriele Gamba 12 years ago.
Screenshot showing the bug, from

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (5)

by Gabriele Gamba, 12 years ago

Attachment: JEditError.png added

Screenshot showing the bug, from

comment:1 by dmik, 12 years ago

Milestone: EnhancedGA6

There may be some bug in path manipulation functions in Odin indeed. That needs checking. The good thing is that I can easily reproduce it with jEdit 5.1.0 so the chances are high.

comment:2 by Gabriele Gamba, 12 years ago

dmik, thank you! Fact is that the problem emerged with recent versions of the application. That is, current Odin implementation works fine with jEdit 4.5 while doesn't with 5

comment:3 by dmik, 12 years ago

My wild guess is that v5 uses some other Java API for path manipulation that triggers some Odin bug that doesn't affect other code paths. The bug may be a missing Win API implementation detail or such.

comment:4 by Gabriele Gamba, 12 years ago

Summary: Problem with File browser dialog icon in jEdit 1.5 (and maybe latest JAlbum)Problem with File browser dialog icon in jEdit 1.5

Latest update: jAlbum works fine, the problem is limited to the "Open File" window of jEdit.

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