Custom Query (172 matches)


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Results (157 - 159 of 172)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#17 fixed Build sun security classes dmik

For now, building the security classes and native libraries (see openjdk/jdk/make/sun/security for the details of the contents) is disabled. This is to be done at a later stage.

#16 fixed Build all components dmik

For now, some components that cannot be built on OS/2 yet, are disabled. This is done by commenting out unwanted targets in JDK makefiles (openjdk/jdk/make) using the OS2_TEMP define.

This task is to track re-enabling these components as we go and to eventually make sure that there are no OS2_TEMP ifdefs in the JDK makefiles which will mean all components applicable to OS/2 are enabled for building.

#15 fixed Java Plugin for mozilla Silvan Scherrer

we also need a plugin for mozilla/firefox

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