Custom Query (172 matches)


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Results (136 - 138 of 172)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#114 fixed FileSystemView.getFileSystemView().getSystemTypeDescription( driveletter ) ebm1991

the above should return drive type when given a root letter, under windows "Local Disk", "Removable Disk", "CD Drive", "Network Drive" etc... but under eCS 2.1 nothing is returned.

#119 fixed Commonist does not upload Batchheizer

With a previous versions of the new Java-port I could upload files to wikicommons with commonist. Now Commonist crashes/quits without a message or hint.

Here the package

Get an account on wikicommons, select an own foto and try to upload.

#120 fixed Sound implementation need to work in shared mode Yoda

Currently sound seem to be implemented in exclusive mode only. This is very annoying, as Java apps that only outputs sound now and then, blocks all other OS/2 apps from playing any sound, as long as Java app is running.

We need shared mode for Java - either as standard or as an option. Could be by CMD line switch or an enviroment variable.

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