Custom Query (172 matches)


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Results (169 - 171 of 172)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#154 wlhartzell invalid Old Portscan 1.0 won't start

Portscan 1.0 found on Hobbes as won't start. The VM complains that there are extra bytes at the end of the class file. Works with all prior Javas. They must ignore the extra bytes.

#155 Batchheizer melf invalid Association with java.exe or javaw.exe causes unexcpected troubles

If *.jar -files are associated with java.exe or javaw.exe and a java program is started by double clicking some strange things happen. E.g Frostwire launches well but can't connect to internet. However using java -jar frostwire.jar makes it work. A cmd-file with the same expression works as well.

There are also effects on other programs. Vbox, ecomarket, pmmaps don't launch. Pdf-merge launch an error message. They work again after reboot. PM123 launch an error message,and no new files can be loaded. However last loaded file can be "played", it isn't played but saved as *.wav. Turns out that the DART-plugin has "popped out". It can be reinserted only after a reboot. Those effects do not happen if a java program is run by commandline or a cmd-file.

It should be said that the installed java is a wpi-pack from hobbes, but the content of openjdk is identical with build 22GA, except for an icon (java.ico). There are no additional entries in config.sys except for the SET JAVA_HOME=C:\openjdk6\ statement. The program object parameter is initially set to -jar %F , but the effect is the same for just -jar .

The behaviour has been confirmed by another person, see this thread in forum,4460.msg22284.html#msg22284 .

#190 gap fixed Crash when putting load on a TCP Server Socket opend for reading.

Output from a FTP server application. I have full source and it runs on all other versions of Java. At first there is some output but is soon stops with this: Login : greg 20120927 205045 SYS1808: The process has stopped. The software diagnostic code (exception code) is 009F.

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