Custom Query (172 matches)


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Results (127 - 129 of 172)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#207 Anchieri invalid Java 160b27GA5

I have tested your last version of java with LVMGUI to view if menu bar item appear or not and I have noted that now is possible to use all function in it, but during the start of program I receive this message on console:

Err in GetFreeSize?, Err= 21 RETURN CODE IS= -1

the command that I use is: JAVA.EXE -cp C:\OS2JAVAAPPS\LVMGUI.ZIP lvmgui.

After many test I obtained a hang that force me to reboot with C.A.D. I attached a captured image of lvmgui window (lvmgui.jpg).

#208 Anchieri invalid Error in loading Flash plugin

I have installed java-160GA5 WITH ODIN 089 but I was unable to use Facebook because I receive this window message:

Failed to load Flash Win32 plugin

after that messages the page of Firefox became empty and unusable. I have to kill it and restart.

#217 gyoung duplicate Consider porting the SWT library

This is needed for new SmartSVN etc

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