Custom Query (172 matches)


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Results (121 - 123 of 172)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#199 Joop fixed No menu in ImageJ

Installed latest Odin 0.8.8 and Java 1.60 GA4. Changed the command file to point to the right directions. ImageJ starts, but again without main menu.

#201 dmik jep fixed Stall/Hang with Java6 b27 + Odin 0.8.8

I've got two computers that have problems. One AMD Quad Core (hasn't worked before either) and the Laptop Sony Vaio Intel Core i3. The latter used to work with Odin 0.8.7 + Java6 b25 and patches applied as it could run GenealogyJ 3. Now both computers show the same behavior, they stall and hang and the VIO output look faulty as parts of the text seem to be missing (Odin 0.8.7 + Java6 b25). The AMD based computer still reboot after a short while unless I use C-A-D and do a Hard kill.

JDownload 0.9xyz as well as JDownload 2.x show both the same behaviour as GenealogyJ.

Please do note that the Java installers for both GenealogyJ and JDownload 2.x work well, just as JDownload 0.9xyz itself work well (though slow) on an old single core machine here.

Side note: Flash GA 0.4.0 is more unstable now, also cause reboots on the Laptop. Flash respond faster, but also cause sound to click like an old radio with push buttons, between each run and also if one tries to jump to another part of a flash clip.

#202 dmik fixed Make java.awt.TextArea work

Currently the java.awt.TextArea? class is not functioning. Just a black area which is never repainted and gets filled with garbage after some time.

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