Opened 4 years ago

Closed 3 years ago

#16 closed defect (fixed)

GOTCHA version

Reported by: Anchieri Owned by: Gregg Young
Priority: blocker Milestone: 2.0
Component: Core Version: 2.0
Keywords: Cc:


I have installed the last version on a new directory, and obtain a window error with this information on it:

(string load error)

using whether GOTCHA.EXE or GOTCHAQ.EXE.
Do you can say me what string is requested?

Thank you,
G.M. Anchieri

Change History (7)

comment:1 by Gregg Young, 4 years ago

Gotchaq is loaded from the startup folder by default. Gotchaq will throw an error that it is already running. Gotcha shouldn't.

What do you get from ALT+"Print Screen"?
Does Gotcha work other than the error?
What language is your system?
Did you use warpin to install?
Do all the dialogs look correct?
Are all these files present in the Gotcha directory?
Is it possible you have an old version of Gotchaq running?

comment:2 by Gregg Young, 4 years ago

You don't have the resource dlls (see list above) installed correctly. They must be in the Gotcha directory or the first gotcha resource dlls in the lib path. They must be the version 2.0.1 dlls. All earlier versions will fail.

comment:3 by Anchieri, 3 years ago

ALT + Print : I obtain nothing
Gotcha don't work
my language is: SET LANG=it_IT_EURO
I use Warpin to install it
I can't use dialog because Gotcha don't start
All file is present in gotcha directory but "GOT*it.DLL" is not, I think that in this case, Gotcha has to use lang 'EN' (english).
I don't have other version running.
For me the string that Gotcha don't obtain is from a Italian version of help file, that don't exist.

thank you for your effort to resolve this bug,
G.M. Anchieri

comment:4 by Gregg Young, 3 years ago


I know what the problem is. I have an Italian dll and ancient help file. I don't ship them because they are obsolete and have license issues.

I can sent you a build of Gotcha! that fixes the problem but will be in English or I can send you the old IT DLL which will fix the problem.

If you are interested in doing a new translation I will add it to Gotcha. Please email me privately ygkatqwestdotnet (replace the at and dot) so I can send your choice. The files tend to be to big to upload here. Thanks


comment:5 by Gregg Young, 3 years ago

I sent you the updated files. I am posting this so you can tell me if you didn't receive them.

comment:6 by Gregg Young, 3 years ago

Owner: set to Gregg Young
Status: newaccepted

comment:7 by Gregg Young, 3 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: acceptedclosed

CS 134

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