Custom Query (2 matches)


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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#4 cla guest invalid Files break at copying.

At copying the big file (1GB) from a server, its content is always partially broken. At copying the same file under Windows XP (using the same network card), problems are not present. Log file is attached.

Dmitry A.Steklenev glass@…

#6 cla guest worksforme trap 0003 in GENMAC32

trap 0003 in GENMAC32

using version 2.20 and atheros 0013h ( wg511t cardbus ) I need to plug in the card during boot, after acpi loads to get genmac to see the device, it loads up and then traps when netbind tries to load. using ecs2.0 RC4 with ACPI /PIC /CD - always reports "failed to set ACPI Interrupt" on boot - but PCI.EXE sees devices properly with it loaded, and doesn't without ACPI loaded. 14.104aW4 kernel - not using CBENABLE ( the card is not seen if I use it ). Thanks.

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