Opened 11 years ago

Closed 9 years ago

#510 closed enhancement (fixed)

Release tool wish list

Reported by: Gregg Young Owned by: John Small
Priority: minor Milestone: Release_3.24
Component: Build System Version: 3.21
Keywords: Cc:


It would be nice if the tool would insert the current text when editing things like subject and email address since I often only want to make a minor change. Yes I know I could cut and paste.

Attachments (3)

RTDBgInet.cfg (11.0 KB ) - added by John Small 10 years ago.
dfg file for debug rt
RTDbgInet.cmd (107.5 KB ) - added by John Small 10 years ago.
Limited function debug version of ReleaseTool.cmd
ReleaseTool.cmd (109.5 KB ) - added by John Small 9 years ago.
Full RT which reads dbg cfg file

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (13)

comment:1 by Gregg Young, 11 years ago

The release tool doesn't clean up after itself. The following is just part of the files in the trunk directory. RTNNTPBody.425 SMTPBody.646 SMTPBody.685 SMTPBody.363 SMTPBody.872 SMTPBody.863 SMTPBody.798 SMTPBody.315 SMTPBody.157

Last edited 11 years ago by Gregg Young (previous) (diff)

comment:2 by Gregg Young, 11 years ago

Component: fm/2 baseBuild System

comment:3 by John Small, 11 years ago

Owner: set to John Small
Status: newassigned

comment:4 by John Small, 11 years ago

I will address the clean-up issue immediately. The code will delete the temporary files during that run.

Would you like the temporary files put in a directory other than "trunk"? Perhaps a "temp.RT" subdirectory of trunk? Then, if RT continues to leave these files behind they will at least no longer clutter trunk.

How old are the *Body.* files in your trunk directory? (The code hasn't used RTNNTPBody in a while.) And the code does have code to remove the temporary files. If the files are quite old, then perhaps RT is now pretty good at cleaning up after itself.

If I understand the part about the subject and email addresses, then it may be more work than you realize to provide the function you seem to want.

RT is a REXX program with very limited editing capability. It just displays text on the screen and then waits for either single-key input or, when the Enter key is used, a whole line of input.

It would take a fair amount of work for me to provide the even simple editing functions (like using arrow keys, insert, delete, home or end) so that you could manipulate text that is displayed on the screen.

It would probably be easier if RT just wrote everything (subjects, addresses, body, etc.) into a file (with annotated instructions), loaded the file into SVN_EDITOR, let you edit the file and, after you exit the editor, provide a confirmation screen.

On a positive note, I did find a place where the wrong version number was being displayed for a subject. Maybe this will reduce your need to edit the subject.

comment:5 by John Small, 11 years ago

CS [1748]

Improved handling of cleanup of temporary files.

Also corrected a bug which displayed the wrong subject for a notification message.

comment:6 by Gregg Young, 11 years ago

Would you like the temporary files put in a directory other than "trunk"? Perhaps a "temp.RT" subdirectory of trunk? Then, if RT continues to leave these files behind they will at least no longer clutter trunk.

This would be good. I would guess that some of them got left by my not shutting the tool down as intended.

How old are the *Body.* files in your trunk directory? (The code hasn't used RTNNTPBody in a while.) And the code does have code to remove the temporary files. If the files are quite old, then perhaps RT is now pretty good at cleaning up after itself.

Most of the files were old but at least one was from my recent release anouncement

If I understand the part about the subject and email addresses, then it may be more work than you realize to provide the function you seem to want.

Not a problem I will cut and paste as needed. This was a wishlist after all

It would take a fair amount of work for me to provide the even simple editing functions (like using arrow keys, insert, delete, home or end) so that you could manipulate text that is displayed on the screen.

This is not a priority

It would probably be easier if RT just wrote everything (subjects, addresses, body, etc.) into a file (with annotated instructions), loaded the file into SVN_EDITOR, let you edit the file and, after you exit the editor, provide a confirmation screen.

This way is fine

On a positive note, I did find a place where the wrong version number was being displayed for a subject. Maybe this will reduce your need to edit the subject.

What actually triggered this request was a typo in an email address which I later fixed in the script

Last edited 11 years ago by Gregg Young (previous) (diff)

comment:7 by Steven Levine, 11 years ago

Milestone: Release_3.23

comment:8 by Gregg Young, 11 years ago

*18 fails for me. I may be missing the REXX FTP stuff. What do I need

Task: Upload to distribution points.

Uploading to Netlabs...

Setting up logon data... Changing directory to: /incoming/fm2

Unable to change directory. FTP Error: FTPCOMMAND Logging off ...

Upload(s) failed. Email to Netlabs cancelled.

Press any key when ready...

comment:9 by Gregg Young, 10 years ago

Milestone: Release_3.23Release_3.24

Ticket retargeted after milestone closed

by John Small, 10 years ago

Attachment: RTDBgInet.cfg added

dfg file for debug rt

by John Small, 10 years ago

Attachment: RTDbgInet.cmd added

Limited function debug version of ReleaseTool.cmd

by John Small, 9 years ago

Attachment: ReleaseTool.cmd added

Full RT which reads dbg cfg file

comment:10 by John Small, 9 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed
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