Custom Query (521 matches)


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Results (70 - 72 of 521)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#46 fixed Help General page fix Default action Copy section Gregg Young Gregg Young

It state this is not standard WPS behavior. It is.

#48 fixed Immediate drive object (letter) updates. Gregg Young Gregg Young

This could even be made an option for those who like it as it is.

The advantage. Adding or removing a removable drive would automatically be updated. One would no longer have to rescan the drive tree to see if the drive was ejected or added.

#50 fixed Moving massive amounts of files via drap&drop eventually fails Steven Levine Gregg Young

When moving massive amounts of files from one area to another, eventually, (100% of the time), it will stop doing the job. Normally I will highlight the files that I want moved, dragndrop them on the directory I want them to and select "Move" from the resulting popup window. Eventually, nothing happens after I click the move button with no resulting error code. I must add that while this method no longer works I CAN highlight all my files, click the "Move" button in the menu bar, select the necessary drive/dir in the dialog window and move that way just fine but, that quickly gets tiresome

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