Custom Query (518 matches)


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Results (64 - 66 of 518)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#112 fixed B3 mouse click on white space should fail without error message Gregg Young Gregg Young

No data. Module: treecnr.c Line number: 1222

if (!pci
(INT) pci == -1)

break; User probably clicked on whitespace

#113 fixed Create a CheckWinOwner to determine FM2 windows (PID) and optionally thread Gregg Young Gregg Young

This is needed to fix crash on drag to FM2 from nonfm2 window. Thread level is need for some existing checks.

#115 fixed Support larger Subject fields in Details view Gregg Young John Small

I use the option to have Subject EA's displayed in Details view and I use Subject EA's heavily as a way to see what the file is without having to rename it and, in the case of archives, without having to open the archive.

The current limit of 30 characters is a problem for me.

It would be nice if the field could be expanded.

Since I may very well be in the minority in the use of the Subject fields, perhaps the best enhancement would be to a) make the size user-selectable (up to some more useful maximum); and b) make the default size even smaller then 30 (so that memory might be saved for those who do not use and display Subject EA's).

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.