Custom Query (518 matches)


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Results (43 - 45 of 518)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#64 fixed Replace command should leave the commands at the same position in the command list Gregg Young Gregg Young

If the command gets moved it will break the command on the toolbar if it exists. This should happen on replace.

#65 fixed Split user added commands association, toolbar entries from FM2 base entries Gregg Young Gregg Young

Move the base entries to code or ini file with their own assignment space (eg 4000-4100 are fm2 designated commands). Need an install process that can parse and split existing files. Should be able to edit parameters etc on FM2 commands. This would facilitate our updating of commands associations and toolboxes without effecting user modifications. Perhaps we should assign # at creation so that moving stuff around doesn't effect toolbars. I am not clear why commands like bldlevel, pstat and rmview aren't base commands

#67 fixed Make directory menu is gone Gregg Young rbri


i really like the idea to move the 'Make Directory' menu point out of the Misc submenu to the popup menu. But in some cases the menu is not there: Start FM/2 and open a folder (e.g. c:\) then left click somewhere in the white area. Now no file or subdirectory should be selected. Now right click on the white area. The Popup appears but the 'Make directory' entry is not there. I found this with 3.05 beta7. Maybe there a some other menus that include this submenu and now missing the 'Make Directory' point.

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