Custom Query (518 matches)


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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#518 duplicate Double-clicking on invalid ZIP file results in incorrect error message John Small

Double-clicking on an invalid ZIP file causes an error message regarding "The program UNZIP32.EXE is not found on the PATH or is not an executable file type." After closing that error message, FM/2 displays the window describing the problem with the zip file.

While ARCHIVER.BB2 does have an entry for UNZIP32.EXE, it is far below the one for Zip/Unzip (ZIP.EXE and UNZIP.exe).

I think FM/2 should, by default, use the first archiver it finds that has the right extension and right signature for the file being opened.

This problem may be related to Ticket #517.

#1 wontfix Use Innotek FT2LIB in FM2 Gregg Young

Globally activate the font engine on font engine enabled systems.

What I recommend is to use DosLoadModule? and DosQueryProcAddr? to conditionally load and enable the library. This also needs a settings page entry before it can go into production along with code to disable the library when the setting is toggled off.

The enable/disable code should to be wrapped in utility function rather than being done in-line.

The enable code needs to go into InitFM3DLL() in init.c and should be similar to

If lib wanted


EnableFT2Lib() will look something like

Try to load library If not loaded



Try to get address

If fail



enable remember enabled

The disable function, DisableFt2Lib(), will look something like

If enabled

Try to load library If not loaded



Try to get address If fail



disable remember disabled unload library unload library (since loaded by enable too)

For an example of how to use DosLoadModule? etc., see the code near line 1819 of misc.c.

#11 wontfix Add attribute "locked" to file attributes Gregg Young

Now that the option exists to unlock files on copy, move or delete operations. I see no value in adding this

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