Custom Query (7 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#299 Implement a WinLoadFileIcon wrapper to "lazy load" icons from slow file systems new enhancement minor Release_4.0
#334 Fix archiver code to work with arj list where the path is separate from the filename new enhancement minor Release_4.0
#336 Add code to allow a file mask and optionally a text string to be passed to seek and scan from the command line new enhancement minor Release_4.0
#300 Check on drive scan that physical drive type hasn't changed new enhancement minor Release_3.25
#309 Use ISO units everwhere new enhancement minor Release_3.25
#310 Ability to merge directory in single drag/drop new enhancement minor Release_3.25
#335 Automatically detect insertion of a new drive. new enhancement minor Release_3.25
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.