Custom Query (12 matches)


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Status: closed (12 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#37 toolbar and other menu options to create a program java object Gregg Young enhancement minor fixed
#520 "Quick" page help shows help too often Gregg Young defect minor 3.21 fixed
#535 Trap in Filter on shutdown while containers were still loading (at least I think they were still loading) Gregg Young defect minor 3.21 fixed
#538 Change to SayMsg2 for the suggest dialog Gregg Young task minor 3.21 fixed
#541 Shift click on windows bitmap opens fm2play because MMOS2 identifies it as an audio file Gregg Young defect minor 3.22 fixed
#542 We throw a redundant error message following the locked file dialog if "no" is selected Gregg Young defect minor 3.22 fixed
#543 Identification and launch of email in newview doesn't work properly Gregg Young defect minor 3.22 fixed
#544 Trap in URLdlgproc cause by a buffer over flow Gregg Young defect minor 3.22 fixed
#545 Misdrawing of tree container (icons stacked on each other) with RWS active. Gregg Young defect minor 3.22 fixed
#548 Answering no or cancel to deleting a R/O file still may generate a redundant locked file message Gregg Young defect minor 3.22 fixed
#549 Limit unlock attempts to exes and dlls Gregg Young defect minor 3.22 fixed
#533 Lock file message has incorrect filename defect minor 3.21 worksforme
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.