Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Ticket #24, comment 7

Oct 9, 2016, 12:41:41 AM (8 years ago)
Valery V. Sedletski


  • Ticket #24, comment 7

    v1 v2  
    1 PS: pVolInfo is got by GetVolInfo(), which takes the pVolInfo from pvpfsd. When volume is unmounted (case MOUNT_VOL_REMOVED of FS_MOUNT), it did not zero-out that pointed (which I did and added free() instead of freeseg()). So, actually you see pVolInfo from deleted hVPB which is still in pvpfsd and is not freed. That is becauseyou did not trapped on pVolInfo == NULL but trapped on pVolInfo->pBootFSInfo == NULL.
     1PS: pVolInfo is got by GetVolInfo(), which takes the pVolInfo from pvpfsd. When volume is unmounted (case MOUNT_VOL_REMOVED of FS_MOUNT), it did not zero-out that pointer (which I did and added free() instead of freeseg()). So, actually you see pVolInfo from deleted hVPB which is still in pvpfsd and is not freed. That is becauseyou did not trapped on pVolInfo == NULL but trapped on pVolInfo->pBootFSInfo == NULL.