Opened 9 years ago

Last modified 4 years ago

#17 assigned defect

Trap d in dumpfs

Reported by: abwillis Owned by: martini
Priority: Feedback Pending Milestone: Future
Component: IFS Version:
Severity: highest Keywords:


I just updated my svn to 101 and built it. I am booted from JFS HDD and find that formating fat32 causes a trap d. The format was successful even on a 160G drive (149G free after format which is consistent with when it is formated on windows). I also found that when I booted with the new fat32 files in place that I got a trap d on boot in dumpfs.ifs at the point that the desktop should have been about to come up. I ended up just remarking out the dumpfs so that I could boot and test the new fat32. dumpfs did not have any issues with the previous fat32.

Change History (12)

comment:1 Changed 9 years ago by abwillis

I tried the following but had made no difference on either the trap it causes in dumpfs nor did it stop the trap when doing a format, putting it here just to document the attempt.

Index: ifs/makefile.wcc
--- ifs/makefile.wcc	(revision 101)
+++ ifs/makefile.wcc	(working copy)
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 # COPT=-2 -ml -ecw -r -s -zdp -zff -zgf -zls -zp=1 -zt=16384 -zu -zl -ze -zq -od -of+ -q -d__16BITS__ -d__WATCOM -i=$(%WATCOM)\h -i=$(%WATCOM)\h\os21x -i=. -i=.. -i=..\include
-COPT=-2 -ml -ecw -s -zdp -zgf -zls -zp=1 -zu -ze -zq -od -of+ -q -d__16BITS__ -d__WATCOM -i=$(%WATCOM)\h -i=$(%WATCOM)\h\os21x -i=. -i=.. -i=..\include
+COPT=-6 -bt=os2 -ml -ecw -s -zdp -zfp -zgp -zls -zl -zp=1 -zu -ze -zq -od -of+ -q -d__16BITS__ -d__WATCOM -i=$(%WATCOM)\h -i=$(%WATCOM)\h\os21x -i=. -i=.. -i=..\include
 # -zt=24576
 # *** COPT=-2 -ml -ecw -r -s -zdp -zff -zgf -zls -zp=1 -zt=16384 -zu -zl -ze -zq -od -of+ -q -d__16BITS__ -d__WATCOM -i=$(%WATCOM)\h -i=$(%WATCOM)\h\os21x -i=. -i=.. -i=..\include
 AOPT=-q -i=. -i=.. -i=..\include
Index: ufat32/makefile.wcc
--- ufat32/makefile.wcc	(revision 101)
+++ ufat32/makefile.wcc	(working copy)
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 # create OS/2 binaries
 OBJS1=ufat32.obj format.obj os2.obj msg.obj chkdsk.obj
 OBJS2=format.obh os2.obh msg.obh
-COPT=-3s -s -sg -hw -mf -od -zq -q -i=. -i=.. -i=..\include -i=$(%WATCOM)\h -i=$(%WATCOM)\h\os2
+COPT=-6s -fp6 -fpi87 -bm -bt=os2 -s -sg -hw -mf -od -zq -q -i=. -i=.. -i=..\include -i=$(%WATCOM)\h -i=$(%WATCOM)\h\os2
 TARGETS=ufat32.dll fat32fmt.exe ufat32.sym fat32fmt.sym
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
  @for %e in ($(OBJS2)) do @%append $^@ FILE %e
 clean: .symbolic
- @del *.obj *.obh *.lnk *.wmp *.map >nul 2>&1
+ @del *.obj *.obh *.lnk *.wmp *.map *.dll *.exe *.sym >nul 2>&1
  $(LNK) @$<
Index: util/makefile.wcc
--- util/makefile.wcc	(revision 101)
+++ util/makefile.wcc	(working copy)
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
-COPT=-3s -s -hw -mf -od -zq -q -i=. -i=.. -i=..\include -i=$(%WATCOM)\h -i=$(%WATCOM)\h\os2
+COPT=-6s -s -fp6 -fpi87 -bt=os2 -bm -hw -mf -od -zq -q -i=. -i=.. -i=..\include -i=$(%WATCOM)\h -i=$(%WATCOM)\h\os2

comment:2 Changed 9 years ago by abwillis

OK, after much playing around with various compiler switches, I have found that both the issues I was seeing (dumpfs trap and trap on format) are related to cachef32.exe. Once I disable cachef32.exe, I no longer have the traps. I do find that on the format, I have to format twice with my flash drives. The first time it throws and error on writing the label and a dir on an 8G stick gives me 32M, if I eject the drive and reinsert it is seen as 8G but chkdsk shows errors. If I instead of ejecting, do a second format it goes through clean and a dir now show the 8G and chkdsk is clean.

comment:3 Changed 9 years ago by abwillis

The following makes it so that I do not have to format it twice as mentioned above by essentially formatting it twice for me and I know longer get an error on writing to the label I had always gotten on the first format. I also added some clean rules and added the fpi87 that Lars had mentioned in another thread... I have actually added it just about everywhere I think.

Index: format.c
--- format.c	(revision 101)
+++ format.c	(working copy)
@@ -425,13 +425,38 @@
         int SectorStart = dp.ReservedSectCount + (i * dp.FatSize );
         write_sect ( hDevice, SectorStart, dp.BytesPerSect, pFirstSectOfFat, 1 );
     // free memory
     mem_free ( (void *)pFirstSectOfFat, dp.BytesPerSect );
     mem_free ( (void *)pFAT32FsInfo, dp.BytesPerSect );
     mem_free ( (void *)pFAT32BootSect, dp.BytesPerSect );
+// /////////////////////////////
+    remount_media ( hDevice );
+    // First zero out ReservedSect + FatSize * NumFats + SectorsPerCluster
+    SystemAreaSize = (dp.ReservedSectCount+(dp.NumFATs*dp.FatSize) + dp.SectorsPerCluster);
+    zero_sectors( hDevice, 0, dp.BytesPerSect, SystemAreaSize); // &dgDrive);
+    printf ( "Clearing out %d sectors for \nReserved sectors, fats and root cluster...\n", SystemAreaSize );
+    printf ( "Initialising reserved sectors and FATs...\n" );
+    // Now we should write the boot sector and fsinfo twice, once at 0 and once at the backup boot sect position
+    for ( i=0; i<2; i++ )
+        {
+        int SectorStart = (i==0) ? 0 : BackupBootSect;
+        write_sect ( hDevice, SectorStart, dp.BytesPerSect, pFAT32BootSect, 1 );
+        write_sect ( hDevice, SectorStart+1, dp.BytesPerSect, pFAT32FsInfo, 1 );
+        }
+    //printf("000\n");
+    // Write the first fat sector in the right places
+    for ( i=0; i<dp.NumFATs; i++ )
+        {
+        int SectorStart = dp.ReservedSectCount + (i * dp.FatSize );
+        write_sect ( hDevice, SectorStart, dp.BytesPerSect, pFirstSectOfFat, 1 );
+        }
+// ////////////////////////////////
     // The filesystem recogniser in Windows XP doesn't use the partition type - in can be 
     // set to pretty much anything other Os's like Dos (still useful for Norton Ghost!) and Windows ME might, 
     // so we could fix it here 
@@ -466,6 +492,11 @@
+    // free memory
+    mem_free ( (void *)pFirstSectOfFat, dp.BytesPerSect );
+    mem_free ( (void *)pFAT32FsInfo, dp.BytesPerSect );
+    mem_free ( (void *)pFAT32BootSect, dp.BytesPerSect );
     return( TRUE );
Index: makefile.wcc
--- makefile.wcc	(revision 101)
+++ makefile.wcc	(working copy)
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 # create OS/2 binaries
 OBJS1=ufat32.obj format.obj os2.obj msg.obj chkdsk.obj
 OBJS2=format.obh os2.obh msg.obh
-COPT=-3s -s -sg -hw -mf -od -zq -q -i=. -i=.. -i=..\include -i=$(%WATCOM)\h -i=$(%WATCOM)\h\os2
+COPT=-3s -fpi87 -s -sg -hw -mf -od -zq -q -i=. -i=.. -i=..\include -i=$(%WATCOM)\h -i=$(%WATCOM)\h\os2
 TARGETS=ufat32.dll fat32fmt.exe ufat32.sym fat32fmt.sym
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
  @for %e in ($(OBJS2)) do @%append $^@ FILE %e
 clean: .symbolic
- @del *.obj *.obh *.lnk *.wmp *.map >nul 2>&1
+ @del *.obj *.obh *.lnk *.wmp *.map *.dll *.exe *.sym >nul 2>&1

comment:4 Changed 9 years ago by erdmann

the -fpi87 switch was for the Microsoft 16-bit C-compiler version 6.0 which was what was used for the distributed version of FAT32.
But ok, I just checked the Watcom help and it does in fact specify the very same switch for the 16-bit as well as for the 32-bit compiler. Sometimes things are easy ...
What needs to be achieved is that the linker will make NO attempt to link in floating emulation libraries.

Last edited 9 years ago by erdmann (previous) (diff)

comment:5 Changed 9 years ago by Valery V. Sedletski

I am booted from JFS HDD and find that formating fat32 causes a trap d.

What was the cluster size? 64k cluster (128 sectors) can cause a trap. But it is not supported so far.

I also found that when I booted with the new fat32 files in place that I got a trap d on boot in dumpfs.ifs at the point that the desktop should have been about to come up. I ended up just remarking out the dumpfs so that I could boot and test the new fat32. dumpfs did not have any issues with the previous fat32.

Hm, strange. Though, I never used dumpfs, so didn't see such problem. Maybe, it consider dumpfs a fat32 drive, mounts it and tries to work with it? I made some changes to FS_MOUNT IFS routine, so it may trying to mount it.

+COPT=-6 -bt=os2 -ml -ecw -s -zdp -zfp -zgp -zls -zl -zp=1 -zu -ze -zq -od -of+ -q -d16BITS -dWATCOM -i=$(%WATCOM)\h -i=$(%WATCOM)\h\os21x -i=. -i=.. -i=..\include

-6 is "generate i686 instructions" don't know why. On 16-bit IFS driver, I see no reason to use it.

-bt=os2 is "generate OS/2 code". Also, don't see a sense to use it, as I use "system os2 dll" linker directive

So, -fpi87 helps? What is the principal difference between using FPU and its emulation? So, it won't throw a floating point exceptions? Really, I think, better to eliminate using the FP at all. I know the FORMAT routine uses it when showing the % complete. Not sure about CHKDSK. Also, didn't touched cachef32.exe and other utilities at all.

Also, why the next patch? The remount_media() is in fact DSK_REDETERMINEMEDIA ioctl, it needs to be done after format is complete. Before FORMAT or CHKDSK, you must issue the DSK_BEGINFORMAT, to remount the volume before formatting/checking IFS's in DASD mode. After all, you make DSK_REDETERMINEMEDIA, which remounts it in normal mode again (where all FS structures are valid). Trying to zero-out structures (including the boot block) can lead to a trap.

Version 2, edited 9 years ago by Valery V. Sedletski (previous) (next) (diff)

comment:6 Changed 9 years ago by abwillis

The first diff was just an attempt to get rid of the trap, I chose the settings I did based on Lars' comment in another bug. They did not help so you'll notice in the second patch I only have the -fp87 see Lars' comment 4. All my traps are gone since I disabled the cache... I am not sure of the cluster size, I let it default. I had it with 8G, 64G, and 160G drives. I have found that my patch is not working as well as I had originally thought. I can read and write to from OS/2 with it but Windows I found has a problem with it then. The reason I had done it was that I was having to format the drive twice for it to be able to read/write to it. The second time would go smoothly but the first time it fails out when it goes to write the label. I found that moving the frees allowed the label function to complete without error. I was just experimenting to see what I could find. I replaced all files... in fact, I suppose I should put the original cachef32 in place to make sure there is not just a problem in my build. The drives I formatted from were fat32, jfs, hpfs, and ntfs.

comment:7 Changed 9 years ago by erdmann

about -fpi87: I haven't tried out but the difference is that it directly inlines Floating Point instructions in the code instead of linking in a library. It's pretty obvious that linking in the library causes the problems in ticket #16.

Last edited 9 years ago by erdmann (previous) (diff)

comment:8 Changed 8 years ago by diver

Milestone: Future
Priority: majorFeedback pending
Severity: highest

any news about that when using latest alpha?

comment:9 Changed 8 years ago by abwillis

I reloaded my system and have yet to get a copy of dumpfs going. I'll try to get that setup to test.

comment:10 Changed 4 years ago by martini

Hi Andy

Is there any feedback about this issue. I'm just giving a hand with the tickets here to see if we can close the old ones.


comment:11 Changed 4 years ago by martini

Owner: set to martini
Status: newassigned

comment:12 Changed 4 years ago by abwillis

Go ahead and close it...

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