17 | | Also, why the next patch? The remount_media() is in fact DSK_REDETERMINEMEDIA ioctl, it needs to be done after format is complete. Before FORMAT or CHKDSK, you must issue the DSK_BEGINFORMAT, to remount the volume before formatting/checking IFS's in DASD mode. After all, you make DSK_REDETERMINEMEDIA, which remounts it in normal mode again (where all FS structures are valid). Trying to zero-out structures (including the boot block) can lead to a trap. |
| 17 | Also, why the next patch? The remount_media() is in fact DSK_REDETERMINEMEDIA ioctl, it needs to be done after format is complete. Before FORMAT or CHKDSK, you must issue the DSK_BEGINFORMAT, to remount the volume before formatting/checking IFS's in DASD mode. After all, you make DSK_REDETERMINEMEDIA, which remounts it in normal mode again (where all FS structures are valid). Trying to zero-out structures (including the boot block) after remounting the drive can lead to a trap. |