Custom Query (69 matches)


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Results (61 - 63 of 69)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#10 wontfix Can we use FullFat? somebody rbri

i found this lib in the internet

Maybe this is a good base to build a improved version of this.

#8 invalid Rexx script filled with all zeroes and chkdsk errors. somebody Rob Hamerling

Problem with a Rexx script on a FAT32 volume.

After a number of cycles of updating and execution a Rexx script the script file was 'suddenly' completely filled with hex zeroes. For editing of this type of files I usually use Tim Baldwin's T2 editor (now called Tedit) which never failed on me. I experienced the problem for the first time after I migrated to Fat32.ifs 0.9.13, but when I went back to 0.9.12 (of the eCS 2.0 RC5 CD) it appeared again. I must say that I seldomly use a FAT32 volume to directy edit and execute Rexx scripts. So the cause of the problem may have been there all the time but I never hit it. After I moved the file to a JFS volume where it did not appear anymore. During xcopy (/H/O/T/S/E/R/V) of the directory with the all-zero Rexx script xcopy terminated on this file. Chkdsk /F reported lost clusters and recoverd three files (each the size of the allocation uniut: 32K), and in each I found back the origical Rexx script. Although it occurred three times I'm not sure if I can reproduce the problem. But even if I can what does it prove? I suspect Fat32.ifs is the failing component, but how can be sure? Which other relevant information could be collected? Since I have a work-around (moving the file to a JFS volume) I have marked it as 'minor' priority.

Regards, Rob.

#14 fixed Finish fat32format port from Win32 to OS/2 and fix some fat32.ifs traps caused by this port Valery V. Sedletski Valery V. Sedletski

Now fat32format is mostly ported to OS/2 (now not yet finished, present in 0.10 branch of fat32.ifs). Also, fat32.ifs is modified accordingly (added missing MOUNT_ACCEPT and modified MOUNT_VOL_RELEASED, MOUNT_RELEASED flags for FS_MOUNT, etc.). FORMAT entry is added to ufat32.dll, and "format x: /fs:fat32" is mostly working. But when OS/2 booted from fat32 (OS/2 bootable flash), and trying to format another partition to fat32, a trap occurs.

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