Custom Query (69 matches)


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Results (43 - 45 of 69)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#65 fixed SVN rev 325: completely hangs the WPS on system start erdmann

SVN rev 325 just completely blocks the WPS on system start. Everything, including my USB mouse becomes unresponsive and I have to reset the system with the reset switch.

SVN rev 322 does not exhibit this problem.

#67 fixed trap D (version 326) Barry Landy

Editing a file on a FAT32 volume initiall gave an error 6, and then when exiting the DOS window, a trap D

The only data I have is a picture of the trap screen (somewhat blurred with apologies).

I do not know if it is reproducable; among other things the file I was editing vanished (I presume the CHKDSK on reboot removed it) and I had to recover it from a backup.

I backed off to version 290, and everything seemed OK.

SYSTEM: ArcaOS, nucleus 201

#69 fixed SVN rev 333: CHKDSK shows wrong version info erdmann

When chkdsk is run you get this: ... FAT32: Unicode translate table for CP 437 loaded. FAT32 version 0.10.r331 compiled on Feb 11 2018 ...

However the version should be: 0.10.r333

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