Opened 7 years ago

Last modified 6 years ago

#79 closed defect

Dead keys input produces additional, unwanted characters in PM version — at Initial Version

Reported by: Alfredo Fernández Díaz Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone: Release_1.1
Component: eFTEPM Version: Release_1.0
Keywords: PM dead key input unwanted double character Cc: Alfredo Fernández Díaz


Accented/combined characters are produced pressing a "dead" key followed by a "normal" key, f.e. I should press ´ + a to get á.

This works as expected in VIO eFTE2, but in PM eFTE2 two characters are inputted: "´" and "á", "¨" and "ö", etc. (I kind of understand this, because getting keyboard input is totally different in PM and VIO.)

FTEPM/2006 has the same problem.

I suspect PM actually produces two characters for these combinations, somehow marking the first one for replacement, and it is up to the application to handle it: both system E and Aaron Lawrence's AE show the "accent" character after the cursor when a dead key is pressed, and when a normal key is pressed, the accent character is replaced and the cursor position is moved beyond the character as normal.

Example: I press "dead" "^" and I see "^", then I press "A", and "^" is replaced with "Â" and cursor is moved.

EPM does not ever show the accent character nor moves the cursor, it only shows the final combined character after the normal key is pressed.

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