Opened 12 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

#13 closed defect (fixed)

Cups 1.4.8 cannot print 4x6 photo from PMView on Canon IP4000

Reported by: MatNieuw Owned by: bart
Priority: Feedback Pending Milestone:
Component: cups Version:
Severity: highest Keywords:


When printing a 4x6 photo from PMView, the print never leaves the OS/2 printing subsystem, its job status is "Forms Mismatch". The form name is there reported as "w288h432/4x6".
Setup details:
Cups settings via browser: Cups 1.4.8, printer name "CupsPhoto", driver printer "Canon PIXMA iP4000 - CUPS+Gutenprint v5.2.9 (color, 2-sided printing)", media=oe_w228h432_4x6in
Printer settings in OS/2: driver "Canon PIXMA IP4000", job properties: paper 4x6, output port localhost:CupsPhoto[[BR]]

This was working properly before (Cups 1.4.6), I suspect it might have to do with the printer definition in Gutenprint; old versions of Gutenprint had a seperate file for each printer, now the definitions are generated as needed . Note that the "media" type in Cups is not literally the same as the form name in OS/2.

Change History (3)

comment:1 by Alex Taylor, 12 years ago

The problem may be that ECUPS.DRV includes a precompiled Pixma iP4000 driver which reports different names for media types.

You can try this: go to your \cups\etc\cups\ppd directory and grab the CUPS PPD file for the Pixma. Copy it somewhere, open it with a text editor and change the *ShortNickName value (around line 25) to something else, e.g. "Canon PIXMA iP4000 Updated".

Use InstPDR or PrintMan to import the new PPD into ECUPS.DRV, install the updated driver, then change your PM printer object to use it. Check the paper size and see if printing works.

Last edited 12 years ago by Alex Taylor (previous) (diff)

comment:2 by diver, 7 years ago

Priority: minorFeedback Pending
Severity: highest

is this still valid with latest cups?

comment:3 by diver, 7 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

no feedback, so closing the issue. If you still have cups issues please open a ticket at

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