Custom Query (29 matches)


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Results (19 - 21 of 29)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#4 fixed Print "stopped" sometimes bart dgbisse

I am trying to get a Canon MP620 to print properly. I am using CUPS 1.48, Ghostscript 8.71 or 9.04, Gutenprint, and The printer seems to print okay when I do a simple text print, and with the test print.

I created a simple PDF file from Firefox (FFtoPDF.PDF), then tried to print it from Lucide 1.3.4 GA. It seems that I get errors from Ghostscript 8.71, and the print job status is "stopped". See error_log for a debug log file.

If I use Ghostscript 9.04, it will print, but it is gray scale, with no color.

#18 fixed USB.EXE does not finish. Uses 99.9% of one CPU. dgbisse

I have a problem when printing to my Canon i960 printer. I do a simple print from E.EXE (AE.EXE), the page prints, and appears to finish. However, one of four processors (bouncing around) stays at 99.9%, until I kill USB.EXE.

I will add error_log, which shows a crash in USB.EXE, but I am pretty sure that happened when I killed USB.EXE.

11-04-12 1:26a 25,468 0 a--- usb.exe

Anything else that you need?


#20 fixed Laserjet.drv installation Alex Taylor diver

When installing a Lasetjet driver via the eCS Printer Manager V0.50, the file lasetjet.drv is not copied to os2\dll\laserjet directory.

The reason seems different EA format than PSDriver as example.

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