Opened 14 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#2 closed defect (fixed)

Installing airboot while installing eCS2.1 prevents an existing eCS2.0GA from booting

Reported by: losepete Owned by: Ben Rietbroek
Priority: blocker Milestone:
Component: Boot Manager Version:
Keywords: Cc:


When installing eCS2.1 I elected to give airboot a try as the boot manager.

While airboot could boot the new eCS2.1 installation it could not boot my existing eCS2.0GA installation. Selecting eCS2.0 from the boot menu results in the system starting to boot and stopping immediately.

Removing airboot and reinstalling Boot Manager means that both eCS installations boot fine.

Reinstalling airboot means that the ecS2.0GA installation will not boot.

This is repeatable and indicates a problem with airboot.

Change History (5)

comment:1 by losepete, 13 years ago

You can mark this problem as resolved.

I tried the airboot 1.06 package from sourceforge.

That also had the same problem - could not boot the eCS2.0 volume. However, it did give me a useful error message - missing from airboot 1.07 - that "os/2 cannot operate your hard disk" or similar.

While booted to eCS2.1 I ran the command sysinstx h: - h: being the eCS2.0 volume.

I then rebooted and airboot 1.06 had no problems booting the eCS2.0 volume. I have no idea why it should have been necessary to run sysinstx against the eCS2.0 volume but it seems to have cured the problem.

You'll be pleased to know that having now installed airboot 1.07 I can boot both eCS installations without problems.

comment:2 by Ben Rietbroek, 13 years ago

If you send an e-mail address to: airboot at
I will send you an internal v1.0.8 beta that should solve this problem.

comment:3 by Ben Rietbroek, 12 years ago

I assume this issue is solved.
Closing the ticket.

comment:4 by Ben Rietbroek, 12 years ago

Owner: changed from somebody to Ben Rietbroek
Status: newassigned

comment:5 by Ben Rietbroek, 12 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed
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