Welcome to the AHCI for OS/2 Development Site ¶
OS2AHCI is an AHCI driver for OS/2. It supports both ATA and ATAPI devices in a single driver, thus there's no need for an ATAPI/CDROM filter driver.
Users ¶
Please see the Arca Noae User Support page.
Support and Submitting Tickets ¶
Support for end users is provided at Arca Noae Support.
Reporting bugs and requesting new features is done through the ticket system. You can view existing tickets, add comments to them and create new tickets using the corresponding buttons at the top of every page. If you want to submit a new bug or request a feature, please use the Search function first to make sure there is no ticket for this task already created.
In order to receive e-mails when your ticket is updated, make sure you have updated your preferences with your correct e-mail address.
We review the tickets regularly and leave comments if we need more info. So please revisit the Feedback analysis as often as possible. If we leave comment and don't get feedback from the ticket creator, we will close the ticket after some weeks.
You must be logged into TRAC to create tickets. Please login with your Netlabs login id. If you do not have a login id, you can request one at http://www.netlabs.org/en/site/member/member.xml. Your login id is created immediately even though there is no indication that it was done. After creating your login, simply go back to the AHCI support page, click Login at the top of the page, and use your new login and password to log in. If you have trouble acquiring a Netlabs login id send an e-mail to Netlabs Community Mailing List.
Please make sure your name and e-mail address are set correctly in your Preferences. This will ensure that you get an e-mail when your ticket is updated.
Getting the sources ¶
In addition to browsing the sources here, you can check out the sources with your favorite subversion client.
mkdir ahci cd ahci svn checkout https://svn.netlabs.org/repos/ahci/trunk .
To update your workspace with the current repository content, use
cd ahci svn update
If you would like commit access to the repository, please request it via the mailing lists.
Building ¶
Tools and System Library requirements
- Open Watcom version 1.9 or greater.
- The MiniDDK or the full DDK. An IBM DDK license is required.
To build the driver:
- Set the required environment variables
- Type wmake