Opened 12 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#33 closed defect (NoChangeNeeded)

OS2AHCI 1.3.0

Reported by: cdrwsel Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: driver Version: 1.30
Keywords: Cc:


I tested all AHCI driver up to the latest 1.3.0
eCS 2.2 beta is able to boot in AHCI mode like in IDE mode.

I have following drivers into config.sys and in the following sequence:

My PATA CDROM is never detected !
Why ?


Change History (2)

comment:1 by David Azarewicz, 12 years ago

Sorry, but I can't help you with this.

There is no 1.3.0 version of the AHCI driver. I assume you mean 1.30

The AHCI tickets are for AHCI issues. AHCI is a spec for SATA devices. It has nothing to do with PATA devices. PATA devices don't work on AHCI controllers. You can't even plug them in because the connector is different.

You have not provided any information that would allow anyone to help you.

comment:2 by David Azarewicz, 12 years ago

Resolution: NoChangeNeeded
Status: newclosed
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