Opened 14 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#511 closed defect (Unsupported Version)

Report: acpi319for105-2011-05-30 on nvidia nForce430/MCP61 chipset

Reported by: losepete Owned by: David Azarewicz
Priority: major Milestone: Feedback pending
Component: ACPI PSD Version: 3.18
Keywords: Cc:


Hardware ASUS M2N mainboard with nVidia nForce430/MCP61 chipset

Using the line


the system causes a TRAP000D boot; See attached P6010004_crop.jpg and P6010007_crop.jpg - Sorry about the flash but I suspect my camera is dying as the flash refused to turn off.

No logs due to TRAP at boot.

Changing the above line to


the system boots and seems to work fine.

Attachments (12)

P6010004_crop.jpg (31.7 KB ) - added by losepete 14 years ago.
P6010007_crop.jpg (30.6 KB ) - added by losepete 14 years ago.
P6030006_crop.jpg (16.3 KB ) - added by losepete 14 years ago.
acpi-log-Asus_M2N.ziq (77.9 KB ) - added by losepete 14 years ago.
acpi-log-AsusM2N-acpi20110609.ziq (77.9 KB ) - added by losepete 14 years ago.
P6100006_CROP.jpg (33.7 KB ) - added by losepete 14 years ago.
P6120010_CROP.jpg (58.6 KB ) - added by losepete 14 years ago.
P6120014_CROP.jpg (40.8 KB ) - added by losepete 14 years ago.
acpi-log-AsusM2N-Acpi319APICFIX2-20110611.ziq (77.8 KB ) - added by losepete 14 years ago.
P6140001_CROP.jpg (45.2 KB ) - added by losepete 14 years ago.
P6210016_CROP.jpg (176.8 KB ) - added by losepete 14 years ago.
P6230012_CROP.jpg (53.7 KB ) - added by losepete 14 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (42)

by losepete, 14 years ago

Attachment: P6010004_crop.jpg added

by losepete, 14 years ago

Attachment: P6010007_crop.jpg added

comment:1 by losepete, 14 years ago

In the above report I was using kernel 14.104b

As this is acpi319 for kernel 14.105 I retested.

Boot stops with an exception in OS2BOOT - see attached image file P6030006_crop.jpg

by losepete, 14 years ago

Attachment: P6030006_crop.jpg added

comment:2 by pasha, 14 years ago

Give me pls log from success boot with /SMP /PIC

in reply to:  2 comment:3 by losepete, 14 years ago

Replying to pasha:

Give me pls log from success boot with /SMP /PIC

I've just looked in the betazone for the latest acpi log collector package.

Is it really or is there a more current package somewhere?

I hope there is because attempting to use this package results in the system locking solid when acpimanager.exe is started which, of course, means that we have no chance of getting the required logs.

Should I simply replace all the files in the current package with the later versions supplied with 319FOR105?

Last edited 14 years ago by losepete (previous) (diff)

comment:4 by pasha, 14 years ago

Please download experimental ACPI build from Mensys site:

  • Experimental build for you:

in reply to:  4 comment:5 by losepete, 14 years ago

Replying to pasha:

Please download experimental ACPI build from Mensys site:

  • Experimental build for you:

Before I test this I notice something that looks not quite right with this package:-

1] There is an ACPIManager.sym but *no* ACPIManager.exe

2] There is an ACPIDaemon.exe but *no* ACPIDaemon.sym

With regard to providing logs as requested previously.

I updated the files supplied in with the same files from acpi319for105-2011-05-30

I ran the CollectLogs.cmd and then had a look at the logs generated.

I see the kernel in use reported by those logs is 14.104a

This is *incorrect* as I am currently using:-

[H:\]bldlevel os2krnl.105 Build Level Display Facility Version 6.12.675 Sep 25 2001 (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 1993-2001 Signature: @#IBM:14.105#@_SMP IBM OS/2 Kernel Vendor: IBM Revision: 14.105 File Version: 14.105 Description: _SMP IBM OS/2 Kernel

I use the os2ldr provided by the os4 kernel project - see - which I have set to select os2krnl.105 as the kernel to use at boot. As you can see from the above bldlevel report 14.105 is in use.

This suggests there is some problem with the logs collector package as it reports the wrong kernel. I would guess that the logs collector simply checks what build of os2krnl is in the root of the boot drive rather than checking what kernel is in use.

comment:6 by losepete, 14 years ago

Sorry, should have added the logs to the previous post. Now attached as acpi-log-Asus_M2N.ziq

by losepete, 14 years ago

Attachment: acpi-log-Asus_M2N.ziq added

comment:7 by pasha, 14 years ago

Soory, in your log I see previous version of acpi.psd . Must be:

@#netlabs dot org:3.19#@##1## 5 Jun 2011 04:11:22 pasha::::0::@@ ACPI core PSD Driver. (c) 2005-2011

in reply to:  7 comment:8 by losepete, 14 years ago

Replying to pasha:

Soory, in your log I see previous version of acpi.psd . Must be:

@#netlabs dot org:3.19#@##1## 5 Jun 2011 04:11:22 pasha::::0::@@ ACPI core PSD Driver. (c) 2005-2011

I have not yet installed the latest acpi as I am awaiting a response to my query about possible missing files ie:-

1] There is an ACPIManager.sym but *no* ACPIManager.exe

2] There is an ACPIDaemon.exe but *no* ACPIDaemon.sym

Last edited 14 years ago by losepete (previous) (diff)

comment:9 by pasha, 14 years ago

Please download experimental ACPI build from Mensys site:

  • Experimental build for you:

in reply to:  9 comment:10 by losepete, 14 years ago

Replying to pasha:

Please download experimental ACPI build from Mensys site:

  • Experimental build for you:

I updated acpi with the files from and tried to boot with this line


Boot stopped almost immediately; I took a snap of this and attach it as P6100006_CROP.jpg

I changed the config.sys line to


and booted successfully.

I attach the logs from this successful boot as acpi-log-AsusM2N-acpi20110609.ziq

by losepete, 14 years ago

by losepete, 14 years ago

Attachment: P6100006_CROP.jpg added

comment:11 by pasha, 14 years ago

Please download experimental ACPI build from Mensys site:

  • Experimental build for you:

comment:12 by pasha, 14 years ago

Owner: changed from eco to pasha

Do you boot from JFS?

in reply to:  11 comment:13 by losepete, 14 years ago

Replying to pasha:

Please download experimental ACPI build from Mensys site:

  • Experimental build for you:

Installed these files and attempted to boot with with this line:-


Boot paused for several minutes - see screenshot P6120010_CROP.jpg

Then boot staggered a little further on and stopped completely, no activity after 10 minutes - see screenshot P6120014_CROP.jpg

Changing config.sys line to


results in successful boot; See acpi-log-AsusM2N-Acpi319APICFIX2-20110611.ziq for logs.

by losepete, 14 years ago

Attachment: P6120010_CROP.jpg added

by losepete, 14 years ago

Attachment: P6120014_CROP.jpg added

in reply to:  12 comment:14 by losepete, 14 years ago

Replying to pasha:

Do you boot from JFS?


comment:15 by pasha, 14 years ago

Ok. I repeat this problem, wait new version

comment:16 by ecsnl, 14 years ago

Another thing that comes to mind I see you mention you use the OS/4 loader. What happens if you switch back to the OS2LDR that ships with eCS 2.1.

Roderick Klein Mensys

in reply to:  16 comment:17 by losepete, 14 years ago

Replying to ecsnl:

Another thing that comes to mind I see you mention you use the OS/4 loader. What happens if you switch back to the OS2LDR that ships with eCS 2.1.

Roderick Klein Mensys

Hi Roderick

The answer to that question is that the boot process stops earlier than when using the OS4 loader; see attached screenshot P6140001_CROP.jpg

by losepete, 14 years ago

Attachment: P6140001_CROP.jpg added

comment:18 by ecsnl, 14 years ago

If you also boot your system with ALT F2 what device driver does it halt at ?

comment:19 by pasha, 14 years ago


in reply to:  18 comment:20 by losepete, 14 years ago

Replying to ecsnl:

If you also boot your system with ALT F2 what device driver does it halt at ?

Booting stops as soon as ALT-F2 is pressed.

There is a ticket about this on the ecs bugtracker - - so I added my finding to that ticket.

As ALT+F2 seems to be working fine when the ACPI line is using /PIC rather than /APIC I guess this is an ACPI related problem.

Last edited 14 years ago by losepete (previous) (diff)

in reply to:  19 comment:21 by losepete, 14 years ago

Replying to pasha:


I doubt it gets anywhere near loading device drivers - it certainly does not get as far as displaying the results of the jfs chkdsk which always appear onscreen long before device drivers load.

comment:22 by losepete, 14 years ago

During a discussion in, thread ACPI APIC on AMD-Boards?, another person stated that they have an Asus M2N working with the /APIC switch without the /!NOD switch.

Having checked that the hardware is the same Revision 1.02G I asked for the BIOS settings in use.

I then tried using the BIOS settings they stated are in use and boot fails as soon as I press Enter in Boot Manager with eCS2.0 selected. The screen clears and... nothing happens.

I then reset the BIOS to use Defaults but Disabled Serial and parallel ports and tried booting again. Boot started but stopped very quickly showing the screenshot in P6210016_CROP.jpg

I'd be interested to know what the "disk read error" is about.

I shall have to revert to acpi v3.18 to further test the claim that version of acpi works with the M2N mainboard.

by losepete, 14 years ago

Attachment: P6210016_CROP.jpg added

comment:23 by pasha, 14 years ago

Your problem called "3.19 APIC boot from JFS". If yoy begin boot from HPFS - your problem will absent.

in reply to:  23 ; comment:24 by losepete, 14 years ago

Replying to pasha:

Your problem called "3.19 APIC boot from JFS". If yoy begin boot from HPFS - your problem will absent.

If I understand the above I need to do the following:-

xcopy my boot drive to another drive:\directory

Reformat boot drive to hpfs

xcopy boot drive back from backup location

test to see if acpi with /APIC switch works

I'll report back when I've tried the above

in reply to:  24 comment:25 by losepete, 14 years ago

Replying to losepete:

Replying to pasha:

Your problem called "3.19 APIC boot from JFS". If yoy begin boot from HPFS - your problem will absent.

If I understand the above I need to do the following:-

xcopy my boot drive to another drive:\directory

Reformat boot drive to hpfs

xcopy boot drive back from backup location

test to see if acpi with /APIC switch works

I'll report back when I've tried the above

Well, I took the time to give this a try and am sorry to report that HPFS makes no difference; booting soon stops if using the /APIC switch.

I attach screenshot P6230012_CROP.jpg

by losepete, 14 years ago

Attachment: P6230012_CROP.jpg added

comment:26 by pasha, 14 years ago

Owner: changed from pasha to David Azarewicz

comment:27 by losepete, 14 years ago

There is 1 good thing to have come out of changing from BootableJFS to HPFS: No trace of the repeating end of startup sound since swapping to HPFS.

Guess I should report that to the uniaud people - but, based on my experiences, as they are not interested in uniaud bug reports I doubt I'll bother.

comment:28 by losepete, 14 years ago

I would try the current acpi build listed on as being available from

Sadly the above url is does not exist as attempting to load th page results in:-

OOPS!....Page Error 404 has occurred.

With what looks like some crappy unrelated search engine results below the error message.

Maybe you'll find fixing the above url error easier than fixing acpi? :-)

comment:29 by David Azarewicz, 13 years ago

Milestone: Release version 3.19Feedback pending

This ticket is for an unsupported version. Have you tried the new 3.20.01 release?

comment:30 by David Azarewicz, 13 years ago

Resolution: Unsupported Version
Status: newclosed

No response from reporter. Unsupported version.

Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets.