Opened 18 years ago

Closed 18 years ago

Last modified 17 years ago

#50 closed defect (fixed)

REMAP feature do not fork in ACPI 3.0.1

Reported by: dev.nul@… Owned by: pasha
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: ACPI PSD Version: 3.01
Keywords: Cc:


TH REMAP feature does not work in ACPI 3.0.1. I have sym_hi.add scsi driver who can work with high irq, i try to use REMAPto map high irq given in apic mode back to lower assigned in pic mode. It does not work. The pci scan list from acpi log:

Bridges found: 0:0.0 class:600 type: 0 Bus H->0 ACPI: 'PCI0' (F90A2F40) _PRT

Dev:27 (0x1B) Fnc:0 INTA IRQ's PCI:5 PIC:5 Router:LNKD APIC:19 Dev:29 (0x1D) Fnc:0 INTA IRQ's PCI:3 PIC:3 Router:LNKE APIC:20 ACPI:USB1 Dev:29 (0x1D) Fnc:1 INTB IRQ's PCI:11 PIC:11 Router:LNKB APIC:17 ACPI:USB2 Dev:29 (0x1D) Fnc:2 INTC IRQ's PCI:10 PIC:10 Router:LNKC APIC:18 ACPI:USB3 Dev:29 (0x1D) Fnc:3 INTD IRQ's PCI:5 PIC:5 Router:LNKD APIC:19 ACPI:USB4 Dev:29 (0x1D) Fnc:7 INTA IRQ's PCI:3 PIC:3 Router:LNKE APIC:20 ACPI:EUSB Dev:31 (0x1F) Fnc:1 INTA IRQ's PCI:0 PIC:5 Router:LNKG APIC:22 ACPI:IDE0 Dev:31 (0x1F) Fnc:3 INTB IRQ's PCI:0 PIC:0 Router:LNKH APIC:23

0:30.0 class:604 type: 1 Bus 0->1 ACPI: 'P0P3' (F90A35C0) _PRT

Dev:0 (0x0) Fnc:0 INTA IRQ's PCI:11 PIC:11 Router:LNKF APIC:21 Dev:1 (0x1) Fnc:0 INTA IRQ's PCI:5 PIC:5 Router:LNKG APIC:22 Dev:3 (0x3) Fnc:0 INTA IRQ's PCI:11 PIC:11 Router:LNKF APIC:21 Dev:5 (0x5) Fnc:0 INTA IRQ's PCI:11 PIC:11 Router:LNKF APIC:21

0:28.4 class:604 type: 1 Bus 0->2 ACPI: 'P0P8' (F90A38E0) _PRT

Dev:0 (0x0) Fnc:0 INTA IRQ's PCI:10 PIC:10 Router:LNKA APIC:16

0:28.0 class:604 type: 1 Bus 0->3 ACPI: 'P0P4' (F90AAC40) _PRT 3:0.0 class:604 type: 1 Bus 3->4 ACPI: 'PXHA' (F90AAD50) _PRT

Dev:1 (0x1) Fnc:0 INTA IRQ's PCI:10 PIC:10 Router:LNKA APIC:24 Dev:1 (0x1) Fnc:1 INTB IRQ's PCI:11 PIC:11 Router:LNKB APIC:25

0:1.0 class:604 type: 1 Bus 0->5 ACPI: 'P0P1' (F90A33A0) _PRT

Dev:0 (0x0) Fnc:0 INTA IRQ's PCI:10 PIC:10 Router:LNKA APIC:16 Dev:0 (0x0) Fnc:1 INTA IRQ's PCI:255 PIC:10 Router:LNKA APIC:16

PCI Bus scan: 6 PCI buses found.

Change History (2)

comment:1 by anonymous, 18 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Adding Remap from snooper, change CurrentIRQ[x].Line to real line of given APIC. This system has 2 using IO APIC

in reply to:  1 comment:2 by Chuck McKinnis, 17 years ago

Replying to anonymous:

Adding Remap from snooper, change CurrentIRQ[x].Line to real line of given APIC. This system has 2 using IO APIC

Is there documentation on remapping this? I tried before w/o success.

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