Opened 15 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#472 closed defect (fixed)

318ND and nForce430 chipset

Reported by: losepete Owned by: eco
Priority: major Milestone: Feedback pending
Component: ACPI PSD Version: 3.17
Keywords: Cc:


I applied 318ND files over previous acpi318 files on an eCS2.0RC7 system.

The system can boot using


However this requires that the config.sys file does NOT contain any USB or Uniaud drivers - at least the NIC driver (nveth) loaded successfully.

I attach the logs generated on this boot as 318ND-log-Asus-M2N.ziq

I reset the config.sys line to


I added USB and Uniaud drivers back to the config.sys then rebooted.

I have to report this has similar system "freezes" as experienced with all builds later than v3.14

Based on the first 2 "freezes" these seem to be around every 20 minutes and last for about 35 seconds.

The 3rd "freeze" turned out to be a crash as the system still had not recovered 5 minutes later; the mouse moved onscreen but could not display the Menu when clicking the Right Mouse Button or select anything, the keyboard was totally dead - could not even Ctrl-Alt-Del to restart the system.

None of the above "freezes/crash" are Floppy drive related - no floppy drive activity before or during these "freezes", no floppy LED, no floppy drive spin up noise.

Change History (4)

by losepete, 15 years ago

Attachment: 318ND-log-Asus-M2N.ziq added

comment:1 by David Azarewicz, 13 years ago

Milestone: eCS 2.xFeedback pending

This ticket is extremely old and is for an unsupported version. Have you tried the current version?

comment:2 by losepete, 13 years ago

Please Close this ticket - current acpi works fine.

comment:3 by David Azarewicz, 13 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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