Opened 17 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

#220 closed defect (unknown)

Dell Optiplex GX620

Reported by: gyoung Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone: Release version 3.18
Component: ACPI PSD Version: 3.08
Keywords: Cc:


From: Gregg Young

I have gotten this working in RC4 using the 2-28-08 ACPI.psd. It requires /FS /APIC /CD /SAP:0x20 /EIS to boot. Otherwise it stops at a line that says it is initializing devices/events/objects. APIC works providing high irqs and hypertreading works using 104a SMP Kernel. The problem at that point was very slow video performance using SNAP with with an ATI Radeon X600 Series card. I experimented further and determined that using SAP:0x25 fixed the video problem.

Attachments (2) (25.6 KB ) - added by Chuck McKinnis 17 years ago.
IMG_3127.png (91.5 KB ) - added by gyoung 16 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (20)

comment:1 by Chuck McKinnis, 17 years ago

1) Disable hypertreading, it is not stable

2) try boot without SAP switch.

Dell computer -> try use /FS + SMP kernel

IF no /SMP switch then /APIC is not needed

by Chuck McKinnis, 17 years ago

Attachment: added

comment:2 by Chuck McKinnis, 17 years ago

I am attaching several log files created using different switches. No switches won't boot PSD=ACPI.PSD /FS /SMP /APIC /SAP:0X20 /CD /EIS (ACPI.log) PSD=ACPI.PSD /SMP /APIC /SAP:0X20 /CD (acpiapiccd.log) This one works the best performance wise. PSD=ACPI.PSD /SAP:0X20 (acpisiponly.log) PSD=ACPI.PSD /SMP /PIC /SAP:0X20 (acpismppic.log) PSD=ACPI.PSD /SMP /APIC /SAP:0X20 /CD /EIS (acpinofs.log)

The machine is single processor with hyperthreading.

comment:3 by pasha, 17 years ago

SNAP don't work right with SMP. I see your log. You don't need in /FS, you don't need in /EIS. Can you boot without /SAP:0x20 ?

comment:4 by Chuck McKinnis, 17 years ago

An additional note shut down doesn't work properly. Using Xshutdown it will turn off the computer but it immediately comes back on. If I set it the use ACPI for power off the reboot caused by the restart fails (hangs with the logo showing) If I use APM the reboot caused by the power off works.

comment:5 by pasha, 17 years ago

If PowerOff.exe work right - problem outside acpi

comment:6 by Chuck McKinnis, 17 years ago

Poweroff does the same thing. The power goes off but comes back on 3-4 seconds later.

comment:7 by Chuck McKinnis, 17 years ago

Check your BIOS settings carefully. My ThinkCentre has some very odd options that cause it to come back on after a power off.

comment:8 by Steven Levine, 17 years ago

Milestone: Feedback pending

comment:9 by gyoung, 17 years ago


Sorry for the long delay in responding. I can confirm that /FS and /EIS are not needed. However without /SAP:0x20 it hangs early in the boot sequence. I will try RC 5 this weekend and report back. I have hyper threading turned off. I only turned it on for testing. I don't know what is causing the problem with the restart. It doesn't restart if the power is cut (power outage) even if it is very brief.

comment:10 by gyoung, 17 years ago

I installed RC5 it works with the default settings /FS /PIC. It also works with the recommended settings (adds /SMP) and the SMP kernel if hyperthreading is off. It works with it on but is very slow. It does hang with /APIC when the uniaudio 1.1.4RC4 driver loads. I consider this issue resolved. Thanks

comment:11 by eco, 17 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

comment:12 by gyoung, 16 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: closedreopened

comment:13 by gyoung, 16 years ago

Version (RC6a) 3.14 fails to boot from CD. The problem may not be the same the SAP:0x20 switch doesn't fix it. If ACPI 3.14 is installed to hard drive it will boot if No hardware detection is set either in the the hardware object or at boot time using ALT+F1 F6 (I think). The point of failure using the debug driver is shown in the attached picture. It fails silently.

by gyoung, 16 years ago

Attachment: IMG_3127.png added

comment:14 by eco, 16 years ago

Pasha reminds:

it's necessary use /FS switch, do you use it?

comment:15 by pasha, 16 years ago

Please download experimental ACPI build from Mensys site:

  • Experimental build for you:


comment:16 by Steven Levine, 16 years ago

Reporter: changed from Chuck McKinnis to gyoung

comment:17 by pasha, 16 years ago

Owner: pasha removed
Status: reopenednew

comment:18 by Steven Levine, 14 years ago

Milestone: Feedback pendingRelease version 3.18
Resolution: unknown
Status: newclosed
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