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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#397 Unsupported Version 8-core server, Can't boot eco eco

From: Digi

ACPI.PSD v.X, included to ecs 2.0rc6 Motherboard: Intel chipset

на сервере с acpi /smp показывает 8 cpu. При загрузке доходит до момента когда должно появиться лого ёкс и уходит опять в ребут - так несколько раз, потом загружается. в bios есть параметр для процев... точно не вспомню как зовётся. что-то про виртуал коре, в описании написано когда оно выключено только 0й коре используется (это может быть HT?) выключаю этот параметр - показывает 2 cpu. Также при загрузке ребутится но только один раз, потом загружается если в конфиге у acpi убираю /smp , загружается стабильно, без сбросов поигрался со всеми параметрами /SAP: ситуация с ребутами во время загрузки не меняется.

#61 fixed A8N-E , AMD dual core, can't boot anonymous Bed

I have not been able to use any acpi greater than 2.22 on this board. 2.22 runs fine with /smp /apic /tmr.

have spent hours trying ALL tricks and tips in the doc files. If I do not use /smp it will boot. with /smp if use /pic I can boot to the start of the desk top. Crash requires reset. CAD will not work. with /apic the crash is at loading either hpfs or jfs, whichever is first, requiring reset. In both cases there is no pop-up or system message. I have seen in some of the forums other users are also having problems. Hopefully this may help get the nvidia boards running. Ben

#208 fixed ACPI & UNIAUD suspend resume, source code/GPL license pasha Chuck McKinnis

Pasha and Eugene, I have received a request from the UNIAUD team that works with Steve Levine on ACPI. I understand 1 or more files need to be open source for UNIAUD to comply with the GPL license.

My question what files are that ? Is it correct that Silvan Scherrer mentioned does files will be in the new ACPI toolkit ? I know Pasha you are very busy but considering that UNIAUD team needs this for the suspend resume support, can you please work on this ticket on priority so that the team can have the files this week. Yes if that means other things get on hold, but that also should reduce your workload tracing possible UNIAUD problems from users.

I put this ticket under APM.ADD, because I don't know which component of ACPI they need the files from.

Roderick Klein

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