Custom Query (581 matches)


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Results (7 - 9 of 581)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#8 fixed IRQ handling with interrupts > 48 pasha ktk

OS/2 supports no more than 48 IRQs (tested with SetIRQ and setup of PSD) More and more users come with motherboards equipped with 3 or 4 I/O APIC x 24 IRQ > 72 IRQs or more.

How can we handle that?

#9 fixed Patched RESOURCE.SYS pasha ktk

Patch RESOURCE.SYS to support up to 64 IRQs.

#10 fixed OEMHLP$ pasha ktk

Are there any changes needed on OEMHLP$? We do have a patched version by Martin Kiewitz and Veit was/is working on OEMHLP2.SYS, so the question is do we still need that and if so, for what reasons.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
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