Custom Query (581 matches)


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Results (61 - 63 of 581)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#335 Hansi Unsupported Version Sound loops with latest uniaud and SMP

SMP works again with version 3.13. There was no booting with SMP possible with versions 3.09-3.11. But sound loops, that stop when the sound object is opened.

Motherboard: Asrock AM2NF3-VSTA Soundcard: C-Media -- CMI8738 eCS2.0rc5 All drivers (Uniaud, USB, Dani) latest version No legacy hardware exept PS/2 keyboard

#384 eco lewisr unknown Hot Dock / Undock support

Hot docking & undocking is something I've requested from OS/2 for ThinkPads? going back to the IBM days (really). With a few notable exceptions (i.e., pre-ACPI, when such support was proprietary for specific models), I have been without this feature since I moved from my ThinkPad? 360D to my T20.

For some hints on this, perhaps the following link may be of help:

Obviously, this is not a priority, but I just wanted to get it on the list. ;-)


#399 eco ecsnl fixed Log files of acpica$ do not have time stamps.

Steve Levine also mentioned its useful feature to help understand where problem are with ACPI.

With the different ACPI versions 3.15 debug builds my laptop sometimes would hang for a few seconds, including audio playback and then it would continue again.

It was most likely when it wrote this to the logfile it was stuck:

End Exec EC 175 queue

Beg Exec EC 175

End Exec EC 176 queue

Beg Exec EC 176

End Exec EC 177 queue

It would be useful if the logs would contain something like this: "2009.04.15 12:24:15" and then debug output.

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