1 | ; This is the configuration file for AcpiDaemon.exe
2 | ; this is a comment
3 | # this is a comment
4 | % this is a comment
5 |
6 | ;############## General Deamon Settings ##################################
7 | [ACPID]
8 | ; LogFile: Where to write the log file, full path, default=AcpiDaemon.log in current directory where acpidaemon is run
9 | LogFile = D:\acpidaemon.log
10 |
11 | ; AcpiLog: Where to writeh the acpica$ log file, full path, default=don't create
12 | AcpiLog = D:\AcpiCA.log
13 |
14 | ; ConfigCheckInterval: Delay in seconds between checking for config file changes, default=10
15 | ;ConfigCheckInterval = 10
16 |
17 | ; Print log output to screen or not, default=0
18 | ;LogToScreen = 1
19 |
20 | ; What do when the lid closes
21 | ; none = no action (default)
22 | ; off = power off
23 | ; suspend = suspend
24 | LID = none
25 |
26 | ; What do to when the Power button is pressed
27 | ; none = no action (default)
28 | ; off = power off
29 | ; suspend = suspend
30 | PowerButton = Off
31 |
32 | ; Save Video for suspend
33 | ; 0 - don't use this feature
34 | ; possible 1,3,7,0xf (see to standard VESA BIOS)
35 | VBESave = 0
36 |
37 | ; Set the Sleep State for sleep/suspend
38 | ; S1 - very easy
39 | ; S2 - easy
40 | ; S3 - hard
41 | ; default - S3
42 | SleepState = S3
43 |
44 | ;############## APM Emulator Settings ####################################
45 | [APM]
46 | ; There are currently no settable APM Emulator settings
47 |
48 | ;############## Power Manager Settings ###################################
49 | [PowerMan]
50 |
51 | ; Enable: 1=enabled, 0=disabled, default=0
52 | Enable = 1
53 |
54 | ; Verbose: 1=display status messages, 0=silent operation, default=0
55 | Verbose = 1
56 |
57 | ; MaxTemp is the maximum temperature allowed for the CPU in C, default=85
58 | ;MaxTemp = 85
59 |
60 | ; OverTempPower is the power level to use of the CPU temperature is higher than MaxTemp, default=25
61 | ;OverTempPower = 25
62 |
63 | ; Scale is the format for displaying temperatures. Can be Celsius or Fahrenheit, default = Celsius
64 | ;Scale = Celsius
65 |
66 | ; MaxPowerAC is the maximum power setting when running on AC, default=100
67 | ;MaxPowerAC = 100
68 |
69 | ; MaxPowerBattery is the maximum power setting when running on Battery, default=50
70 | ;MaxPowerBattery = 50
71 |
72 | ; MinPower is the minimum power level for energy saving (13 - 100), default=25
73 | ;MinPower = 25
74 |
75 | ; IncIfAbove is the CPU load above which CPU power is increased (1-100), default=25
76 | ;IncIfAbove = 25
77 |
78 | ; DecIfBelow is the CPU load below which CPU power is decreased (1-100), default=15
79 | ;DecIfBelow = 15
80 |
81 | ; IdleCount: Number of CheckIntervals needed to determine system idle, default=10
82 | ;IdleCount = 10
83 |
84 | ; CheckInterval: Delay time between checking cpu load and temperature (seconds), default=1
85 | ;CheckInterval = 1
86 |