wiki:xWorkplace Archived News

Version 1 (modified by martini, 9 years ago) ( diff )


XWorkplace 1.0.8: Japanese NLS released

Alex Taylor has released the Japanese NLS package for XWorkplace 1.0.8, the most feature-rich, free, and GPLed enhancer for the OS/2 and eComStation Workplace Shell.


  • Large translation update from 1.0.1 to 1.0.8
  • Codepage switched from 932 to 081
  • Integration into the XWorkplace build system

The package is available at:

Please report reproducible bugs on the bugtracker at:

XWorkplace 1.0.8: Italian NLS released

Gabriele Gamba has released the Italian NLS package for XWorkplace 1.0.8, the most feature-rich, free, and GPLed enhancer for the OS/2 and eComStation Workplace Shell.


  • Added translations for GUI and online help of new features.

The package is available at:

Please report reproducible bugs on the bugtracker at:

XWorkplace 1.0.8: German NLS released

Christian Hennecke has released the German NLS package for XWorkplace 1.0.8, the most feature-rich, free, and GPLed enhancer for the OS/2 and eComStation Workplace Shell.


Added translations for GUI and online help of new features. Some improvements and fixes for typos

The package is available for download at:

Please report reproducible bugs on the bugtracker at:

If you would like to help support the author's work for OS/2 and eComStation, please see the included LIESMICH.NLS file. You can access it from the "XWorkplace-Installation" folder.

XWorkplace 1.0.8 released

XWorkplace 1.0.8, the most feature-rich, free, and GPLed enhancer for the OS/2 and eComStation Workplace Shell, has been released. This fixes over 20 bugs from previous versions and adds a few small features.

New features:

Added a file change notification named pipe server which allows co-operating client applications to receive notification of files/directories being added/deleted. Added by Yuri Dario and Paul Ratcliffe. The OS/2 Kernel object now supports the EARLYMEMINIT CONFIG.SYS setting. Added by Christian Hennecke. The OS/2 Kernel object now supports the PROCESSES and SET SHELLHANDLESINC CONFIG.SYS settings. Added by Christian Hennecke.


Bugs fixed by Paul Ratcliffe unless otherwise noted.

Tooltips on the XCenter date/time widgets are now dynamic. Bug 917. Fixed sliding focus problems with Open Office menus. Fixed by Yuri Dario. Fixed a paint problem with the XCenter when dropping from the Color Palettes. Also changed the default color to SYSCLR_WINDOW instead of SYSCLR_BACKGROUND. Tweaked the formatting of the file generated when applying the WRITEREXXSETUP setup string to an object. Fixed a painting problem with the Sentinel widget with RAM size greater than 3 digits. Bug 924. Fixed by Christian Hennecke. Fixed the reporting of the SHADOWID setup string where the object pointed to had no Object ID. Bug 51. Now ignoring OPEN=-1 (OPEN_UNKNOWN) on the setup string reporting. Fixed XShutdown using ACPI 2.1 which caused a CHKDSK on reboot. Bug 726. Fixed by Bart van Leeuwen. XShutdown no longer prevents system shutdown if there are jobs in the print queue. Bug 920. Fixed problems affecting several widget classes with configuring the widget colours when also using drag/drop from the colour palettes. Bug 994. Fixed problem with XCenter catching mouse button up messages when restoring maximized windows which caused Object button widgets underneath to be opened. Bug 993. Fixed problem with Server and Network folder objects being deleted using the Trash Can. Bug 1035. On the XCenter, clicking an Object button which is a Template now does nothing instead of opening the object. Bug 43. Fixed a problem with the XCenter hiding immediately when opening it with a double mouse click if it was set to "Auto-hide" and "Hide immediately on mouse-click". Bug 499. Fixed a problem with the XPager control window hiding itself while the mouse was still over it if it was set to "Flash to top". Bug 1038. The OS/2 Kernel object now supports TRUE,YES,ON,1 parameters in CONFIG.SYS for the appropriate settings. Fixed a problem on DBCS systems where XWP reported an invalid path for <WP_DESKTOP> at startup. Bug 1070. Fixed a bug with sticky windows when the window was re-parented. Bug 1065. The IP Monitor widget now has a dynamic full scale reading based on recent history rather than a maximum ever full scale reading. Bug 921. The IP Monitor widget now reports traffic in 1K multiples rather than bytes thereby extending its range to 4TB instead of 4GB. Bug 536. Fixed a bug with WinMoveObject and WinCopyObject when deleting filesystem objects into the Trash Can. Bug 1068. Fixed a bug caused by the fix for bug 413 relating to use of a setup string containing "MENUITEMSELECTED=109" to delete objects to the Trash Can. Bug 1071. Fixed broken Default/Undo controls in Setup String objects.

The XWorkplace main package is available at:

Please report reproducible bugs on the bugtracker at:

XWorkplace 1.0.7 released

XWorkplace 1.0.7 has been released. This release fixes a few bugs, especially an annoying one regarding the window list, and implements a new feature to configure the XCenter.

Accompanying German and Italian NLS packages are also available.

The packages are available in the Downloads section.


Window List size/position was wrong on systems not using 1024x768 resolution. Bug 903. Fixed a problem with switching to programs and sessions caused by the fix for bug 319. Bug 902. Fixed a bug with XWP Configuration Folder separator objects getting incorrect object IDs. Bug 910.

New Features:

Added ADDWIDGETS and DELETEWIDGETS setup strings to the XCenter to allow individual widget creation and deletion. Also documented the previously undocumented WIDGETS=CLEAR and WIDGETS=RESET setup strings. Bug 906.

Please report reproducible bugs on the bugtracker at:

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