Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #69, comment 1

Jan 1, 2017, 3:51:16 AM (7 years ago)
Valery V. Sedletski


  • Ticket #69, comment 1

    initial v1  
    112andib: Maybe, this is just #57 ? Window may be not redrawn if there's some delay due to a PM lockup for several seconds, or minutes. Usually this is observed when there's a disk access this time. So, as I suspect, there's a disk activity, which causes some delay in GUI thread, so PM queue locks up and window is not redrawn. Also, I use VBox with Seamonkey too, and I don't see something special when I start Seamonkey before or after VBox. So, I don't think this is some DLL loaded by Seamonkey. BTW, with which Seamonkey version is that observed?
     3P.S. If selector window is running (You called it VBox Manager), then it communicates to a VM window, to take its screenshots, which are needed for displaying the preview. So, when selector window is waiting for a screenshot, it could block and lock up the PM message queue. So, the probability of a PM lockup is increased. But I doubt that Seamonkey may influence if VM window is not redrawn similar way.