Opened 8 years ago

Last modified 8 years ago

#58 new task

The TAP driver

Reported by: Valery V. Sedletski Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone: Enhanced
Component: Common Tasks Keywords: tap tun network driver packet


Since the old 1.6.x VBox versions, we have the TAP driver written by Willibald Meyer. These sources are ported to new VBox codebase with commit r114. Not tested yet, as I have not this driver at the moment. Also, there are no sources for this driver, and even not known, where it can be downloaded. So, we probably will need to ask author for the sources, or create support for working with other driver (sfprot from SFLinks, or driver from InJoy? firewall. The latter case has the advantage that bww owns its source and so it is avalable for us. So, the task for future: to possibly migrate to other driver.

Change History (5)

comment:1 Changed 8 years ago by Michaelhz

Tap Driver is part of the binary Distribution from Paul Smedley from

I am not sure if the source available there.

Version 0, edited 8 years ago by Michaelhz (next)

comment:2 Changed 8 years ago by rklipp

Hi valerius I'm trying to compile r114 and it stops with this error:

kBuild: Compiling VBoxPcBios32 - F:/5.0.6Netlabs-114/src/VBox/Devices/PC/BIOS/pci
kmk_redirect.exe: error: _execvp(_P_WAIT, "F:WATCOM/binp/wcc386.exe", ...) failed
: No such file or directory
kmk: * [F:/5.0.6Netlabs-114/out/os2.x86/release/obj/VBoxPcBios32/pci32.obj] Err
or 1

I don't understand whats happening with the Watcom error?
also don't know for sure the status of SDL. Is there a new .rpm we're supposed to be using? The only way I could get through the configure file was to edit it with these two statments:
with SDL=0
with SDL_TTF=0
it then compiles to the above described error.

thanks, klipp

comment:3 in reply to:  1 Changed 8 years ago by Allan

Replying to Michaelhz:

Tap Driver is part of the binary Distribution from Paul Smedley:

I am not sure if the source available there.

It is not. We got permission from Willibald to distribute the binary TAP driver;
but we never recieved the sources.

The TAP driver also created some performance problems for the nics, iirc, so
the idea to switch to FX driver, might be better, although it is not as flexible.

comment:4 in reply to:  2 Changed 8 years ago by Valery V. Sedletski

Replying to rklipp:

Hi valerius I'm trying to compile r114 and it stops with this error:

kBuild: Compiling VBoxPcBios32 - F:/5.0.6Netlabs-114/src/VBox/Devices/PC/BIOS/pci
kmk_redirect.exe: error: _execvp(_P_WAIT, "F:WATCOM/binp/wcc386.exe", ...) failed
: No such file or directory

Don't know where you took wcc386.exe, all compiled ok here.

kmk: * [F:/5.0.6Netlabs-114/out/os2.x86/release/obj/VBoxPcBios32/pci32.obj] Err
or 1

I don't understand whats happening with the Watcom error?
also don't know for sure the status of SDL. Is there a new .rpm we're supposed to be using? The only way I could get through the configure file was to edit it with these two statments:
with SDL=0
with SDL_TTF=0
it then compiles to the above described error.

thanks, klipp

No need in manual configure editing. Please look here: The new SDL rpm is will be soon, but not ready. You need to delete -I./src/thread/os2 from sdl-config. And please, don't ask about it in this topic, create a new one.

comment:5 in reply to:  1 Changed 8 years ago by Valery V. Sedletski

Replying to Michaelhz:

Tap Driver is part of the binary Distribution from Paul Smedley:

I am not sure if the source available there.

Ah, really, the driver is in old VBox distribution. I just did not noticet it before. So, thank you, I'll try to setup it then.

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