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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#14 Vladest compi at cpeag dot ch too-old can't record with Audigy 2 ZS Platinum Pro

If sound signal of the aplifier (analog) is on "Line in 1" and unimix control id 16 values set to 100 I hear the sound on the headphone. Same result with "Line in 3" and unimix control id 20 set. I tried to record both ways:

  1. drecord con | lame -r -x -test.mp3
  2. CD Magic with the GUI for recording (wav)

I played around with the unimix controls. Attached you see the file all_on_list.txt with all the controls I tried. Test result, log etc. all packed in the attachment.

#18 rjerant rwklein@… fixed UNIAUD does not deal properly with audio buffers

I reported this bug around July last year. I gues it got snowed in. Uniaud seems to have issue's with issue's with dealing with audio buffers. This bug does not only occur with the versions of which I reported this around 9 months ago. The problems are still there with the latest build from the Netlabs FTP server. Its also chipset independent and has been tested on about 5 machines. This audio buffer problems can result in hanging applications that can not be killed (waiting for an audio buffer event!?), audio device being blocked or even in some rare cases a system trap.

Vladest I have provided you with version of Quickmotion. Its licensed and included with each install of eComstation 1.2 or higher. I can send it to you privately again.

Old email I send:

With this same MPG file (bloopersextra.MPG) the audio playback results in hanging desktop (can still do a C-A-D). So something is chocking on the audio buffers !? I did get a TRAP once when playing MPEG files with IBM's open MPG. Can you pinpoint where this code >crashed ? Its not an easy bug to reproduce with UNIAUD. But it would be nice Valdest >if you could tell what your driver was doing when the system crashed. The UNIAUD >version in use is:

uniaud16.sys 61510 04-06-28 Signature: @#"OS/2 Universal Audio Driver Version":1.00.005#@ Vendor: "OS/2 Universal Audio Driver Ve Revision: 1.00.005 File Version: 1.0 Description: uniaud32.sys 451952 04-08-09 (No buildlevel information). (Time staps may not be correct)

This crash seems to be related to a bug in the MMOS/2 audio buffer handling. Exception in module: UNIAUD32 TRAP 000e ERRCD=0000 ERACC= ERLIM= EAX=00002046 EBX=00000000 ECX=f9d24ae4 EDX=f9d24ae4 ESI=f9d24ba8 EDI=ee244de8 EBP=ee18af1c FLG=00012046 CS:EIP=0168:ee242a65 CSACC=c09b CSLIM=ffffffff SS:ESP=1550:f9d24acc SSACC=c093 SSLIM=ffffffff DS=0160 DSACC=c093 DSLIM=ffffffff CR0=8001001b ES=0160 ESACC=c093 ESLIM=ffffffff CR2=00000094 FS=0000 FSACC= FSLIM= GS=0000 GSACC= GSLIM=

I sadly no longer have the memory dump. I know you can tell me to use the latest UNIAUD but so fat this is the most stable version in my opion.

Vladest with eCS 1.2 and UNIAUD the following files also don't playback properly or have sound problems:

Vladest you already know this one. It begins to play and then halts. (75MB!)

Just tested again with the latest UNIAUD. It begins to play. audio stops after 10 seconds and then video dies.

This does not happen with the Soundmax driver. No sound at all. Plays with the soundmax driver. With UNIAUD NO sound but it plays back. The video player then can no longer be killed Plays oke with the soundmax driver.

Situation of last 2 testcases still the same.

#20 vladest rwklein@… duplicate Playing audio it sounds like a record recorded ay 45 RPM playing at 33 1/3

Iiittt souunds sloooow. I let you hear this at the Developer Workshop Vladest. This also does not occur with Uniaud.

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