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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#64 Steve Wendt fixed Sound not recognized by eCS 2 RC2

Sound card is GeForce? 6150 NForce 405 (10DE:03F0)

During boot I see a message -- something about IRQ 10 and then Detected Mixer ALC883, but no sound. (The sound does work when booting into Windows).

#66 Steve Wendt fixed TPad T60: Works on Ubuntu and how; Lockup on eCS during boot

During a trial and error session attempting to enable sound on my T60 using Ubuntu as an alternative to eCS 2.0-RC2, we discovere the following site:

Ubuntu on ThinkPad? T60


~ Sound

Sound works fine, though with a minor warning: do not disable

(ie: set to "hidden") the internal modem in the BIOS. Doing so

causes problems with ALSA accessing the audio device.


So, to evaluate the eCS 2.0 situation:

  • Changed the BIOS to 'ENABLE' the Internal [Win] Modem.
  • Booted the 'Live CD' of Unbuntu 7.10 Beta [27-Sep-2007]

====> Result: Fully supported T60 sound!

Played from several Web sources for sound files and streaming broadcasts of Web radio broadcasts. NONE of this worked prior to the BIOS change.

  • Installed the latest UniAud? 1.1.4 RC3 on my T60 eCS 2.0 RC2.
  • Rebooted eCS - As the boot progressed:
    • Boot messages indicated that the driver was loaded, the hardware recognized, the mixer installed...
    • The screen went to an off-white background as the desktop was initialized.
    • The normally expected sound that usually occurs as the desktop is loaded PLAYED! [Never heard that before on this T60!]
    • The bad news: Everything went silent and the system totally

locked up. NOTHING WORKED. No mouse movement, even though it was displayed on the screen as [I believe] and arrow point. The only 'recovery' was to POWER OFF by holding the power button for the 5-second reset time.

  • Rebooted again, just to see if anything would change. [Possibly

Ubuntu had set something in the hardware that eCS could not handle.]

  • We got all excited, because the bright orange colored eCS desktop background DID APPEAR this time...
  • Oops! Too soon to celebrate! While the eCS desktop background did appear this time, the system LOCKED UP AGAIN. I believe the mouse appeared as a clock this time. But, nevertheless, the system was still locked and never completed the boot process. i.e., There are several tasks that are set to start via the StartUp? folder. Never happened... :-(
  • Back to the BIOS set up to change the internal modem back to the

'Hidden' state.

  • Rebooted eCS with no other changes.
  • Hardware still recognized and driver, mixer, et al, still loaded as before.
  • BUT, this time, NO SOUND during the desktop initialization.
  • AND, the boot process completed successfully! In fact, that is how I am operating at this moment and creating this message.
  • To provide as clean a log as possible, I am going to save this

message and reboot. Then I will run the UniInfo? tool, followed by opening a Ticket. In the ticket, I will paste all of this message as the ticket documentation, but I also feel this should be posted to the NG, so others can see what I've done. Possibly it will be of benefit to others who are testing T60s or other similar configurations.

I will attache the UniInfo? doc to this ticket. BUT, I notice that several of the files in the ZIP are zero-length files. Please provide further, specific instructions regarding how to get the rest of the doc that you need. I suspect a problem finding 'unimix.exe' since there is no file with that name on my boot drive. [There is a file in the drive, sub-dir where I downloaded and installed RC3. And there is one on the C-drive where I have eCS 1.2R installed. But, I am booted from the O-Drive where eCS 2.0 RC2 is installed.]

Carl Carl.Gehr@…

#67 Brendan Oakley Steve Wendt fixed No sound On Crystal AC'97 with Uniaud RC3, previous version OK

Uniaud RC3 produces no sound on my ACP2 system with a Crystal-based sound card. System sounds, PM123 and WVGui are all silent. The previous version of Uniaud, which works well, identifies itself as RC2 at boot time. I can provide logs for the previous version if required. Logs for RC3 are attached.


Sid Gale (sid <at>

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