Custom Query (242 matches)


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Results (49 - 51 of 242)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#56 Yoda Brendan Oakley fixed Driver load displays ALSA_VERSION as the Uniaud version

ALSA_VERSION, in include/version.h, should contain the version of ALSA being used for the build, but the driver displays this when it loads the driver, so it instead contains the version of Uniaud. The output needs to be changed to report PRODUCT_VERSION for the Uniaud version instead. Displaying of ALSA_VERSION is optional, but if it is to be displayed at all, the text needs to clearly indicate that it is the ALSA version, not the Uniaud version, and the Uniaud version is not to be omitted.

The place in the code for the ALSA version could instead be alsa-kernel/include/sound/version.h, because this is where ALSA keeps it, so a full update of the ALSA code would necessarily update it there.

#58 abwillis fixed wat2map.cmd fails with Object REXX

wat2map.cmd fails with Object REXX enabled.

#60 Brendan Oakley unknown No sound with ATI IXP SB400 (1002:4370)

Report from Bart van Leeuwen.

Driver loads, but no sound is heard from device. Attaching log from debug 1.1.4RC3 and PCI output.

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