
Jun 7, 2008:

2:32 AM Changeset [96] by lpino
(classes.inc) - Added ACCEL and ACCELTABLE classes to the compilation list
2:27 AM Changeset [95] by lpino
(ant.cmd) - Path changes to adapt to SmartSVN project. Now the build …
2:25 AM Changeset [94] by lpino
(build.prp) - Path changes to adapt to SmartSVN project. Now the build …

May 31, 2008:

12:52 AM Changeset [93] by lpino
(OS.java) - Various new definitions
12:50 AM Changeset [92] by lpino
(swt.c) - Implemented WinQueryActiveWindow API
12:48 AM Changeset [91] by lpino
(MenuItem.java) - Debug message changed
12:47 AM Changeset [90] by lpino
(Menu.java) - Various fixes and changes to make pop ups work
12:46 AM Changeset [89] by lpino
(Display.java) - Implemented getActiveShell and isVirtualKey methods
12:45 AM Changeset [88] by lpino
(Decorations.java) - Various fixes and changes to make pop ups work
12:43 AM Changeset [87] by lpino
12:42 AM Changeset [86] by lpino
(Control.java) - Varios fixes and changes to make pop ups work

May 28, 2008:

12:50 AM Changeset [85] by lpino
(SWT009_08.java) - Updated the testcase to include accelerator keys
12:49 AM Changeset [84] by lpino
(Shell.java) - Added the remove(Menu menu) method
12:48 AM Changeset [83] by lpino
(MenuItem.java) - A lot of new code
12:46 AM Changeset [82] by lpino
(Decorations.java) - Basic implementation of accelerator tables
12:42 AM Changeset [81] by lpino
(OS.java) - New definitions to support accelerator tables
12:38 AM Changeset [80] by lpino
(swt.c)- Implemented WinCreateAccelTable, WinDestroyAccelTable, …
12:26 AM Changeset [79] by lpino
(structs.h) - Added ACCELTABLE struct definition
12:24 AM Changeset [78] by lpino
(structs.c) - Added ACCELTABLE struct

May 23, 2008:

6:31 PM Changeset [77] by lpino
- (Shell.java) Added the activeMenu property
6:30 PM Changeset [76] by lpino
- (Menu.java) Lots of fixes and new code
6:27 PM Changeset [75] by lpino
- (Decorations.java) Added getMenuBar, setMenuBar methods and broken …
6:24 PM Changeset [74] by lpino
- (Control.java) Added setMenu method and completed setPresBackground …
6:21 PM Changeset [73] by lpino
- (SWT009_08.java) Completed the first basic menu test
6:20 PM Changeset [72] by lpino
- (OS.java) Fixed macro MPFROM2SHORT. This allowed menus and notebooks …
6:15 PM Changeset [71] by lpino
- (ACCEL.java) Added the object ACCEL
6:14 PM Changeset [70] by lpino
- (swt.c) Fixed the WinSendMsg call
6:08 PM Changeset [69] by lpino
- (structs.h) Added the ACCEL structure definition
6:06 PM Changeset [68] by lpino
- (structs.c) Added the ACCEL structure

Mar 13, 2008:

11:43 PM Changeset [67] by lpino
- (MenuItem.java) New constructors
11:42 PM Changeset [66] by lpino
- (Menu.java) Lots of new methods implemented
11:42 PM Changeset [65] by lpino
- (Decorations.java) Added findMenu and remove methods
11:40 PM Changeset [64] by lpino
- (Control.java) Various changes
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.