Custom Query (18 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Milestone Owner Type Priority Component
#315 Samba client and server on AcaOS 5.0.0 do not talk to each other defect blocker Unknown
#313 Directory listings over SMB2+ do not report all files Paul Smedley defect critical Samba Client Plugin
#246 SPM dump with libc 0.6.6 defect major Samba Server Core
#312 ArcaMapper Global options - defaults enhancem. major Samba Client GUI
#325 Add German and Spanish dialogs and resources for SMB.PDR task major Samba Client Port driver
#153 OOo File open dialogue is very slow on a Samba share with lots of files. task minor Samba Client Plugin
#257 Credential fields in properties dialog should be greyed out when KRB5 support is enabled enhancem. minor Samba Client Plugin
#270 Need to bypass initial connection test when mapping a Kerberos-authenticated share defect minor Samba Client Plugin
#274 Improve caching code enhancem. minor Samba Client
#283 PDC mode does not work defect minor Samba Server
#284 Server struggling with unix userrights defect minor Samba Server
#296 smbmon: Need ipf help task minor Samba Server GUI Tools
#297 sscc: Need ipf help task minor Samba Server GUI Tools
#299 smbusers: Need ipf help task minor Samba Server GUI Tools
#306 sscc: Better placement and identification of config setting icon enhancem. minor Samba Server GUI Tools
#310 The help mesasge displayed by nd mount smbfs ? can be confusing enhancem. minor Samba Client Plugin
#320 Include readme detailing ndrexx src parameters Lewis Rosenthal task minor Samba Client Plugin
#302 smbusers: English strings overrun buttons on Groups tab defect trivial Samba Server GUI Tools
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.