| 8 | |
| 9 | == Handy YUM and RPM commands |
| 10 | |
| 11 | ||'''yum install''' __pkg__ ||Install the latest version of the package named __pkg__ (including all packages it needs for its work, if any) |
| 12 | ||'''yum remove''' __pkg__ ||Uninstall the package named __pkg__ (including all installed packages that need the removed one, if any) |
| 13 | ||'''yum check-update''' ||List available updates (newer versions) for all installed packages |
| 14 | ||'''yum update''' ||Install all available updates (if any) |
| 15 | ||'''yum update''' __pkg__ ||Only update the package named __pkg__ (if there is a newer version) |
| 16 | ||'''yum info''' __pkg__ ||Show information about the package named __pkg__ |
| 17 | ||'''yum list installed''' ||List all installed packages |
| 18 | ||'''yum list avaliable''' qt* ||List all available packages with names starting from "qt" |
| 19 | ||'''yum list''' *zip* ||List all packages containing "zip" in names (both installed and available) |
| 20 | ||'''yum clean packages''' ||Delete all downloaded files containing installed packages (packages themselves are not uninstalled) |